Red Dead Redemption 2 gets a free tie-in app to help you on your way

Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of, if not the the most anticipated game of 2018, and finally lands on Friday, October 26. But while the scale of the giant open-world game of the West can be daunting for some, it looks like we'll be getting some help from developers along the way.

A publication of the Rockstar Games blog announced the official The Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion app for iOS and Android devices, which will connect directly to your PS4 or Xbox One console while the game is running.

The free application will display the game map and allow you to "set landmarks or mark areas of interest with a touch on your screen, helping your exploration and discovery through the expansive world of Red Dead Redemption 2".

You can also use the smartphone / tablet app to read your game journal, view statistics and character information in real time, and even remove the HUD from the game of the TV altogether for a more cinematic feel. [19659005] Red Dead Redemption 2 Companion App "src =" "align =" middle ">

The long way home

The announcement occurs in the midst of increased scrutiny of Rockstar's work practices, after reports of 100 work hours for staff members during peak periods in Red Development of Dead Redemption 2 & apos; s.

It is likely that the complementary application is a blessing for players who want a more immersive experience with Red Dead Redemption 2, since it can separate statistics and navigation features more from the game of visuals game – although we doubt that you will miss it if you decide to stay without.

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