Henry Cavill Is Ready To Hang Up His Superman Cape

Henry Cavill became a household name thanks to the role of Superman, but his tenure as the Man of Steel is coming to an end. The British actor is ready to hang his cloak and say goodbye to the character that made him famous.

Cavill made his debut as Clark Kent in Man of Steel and repeated the role in Batman v. Superman and Justice League. His contract was coming to a close, and his future in the DC Universe became uncertain when it became clear that the studio does not plan to make an independent film Superman in the short term.

Contract negotiations led to the departure of Cavill from the franchise of superheroes in difficulties, and he is not the only boat that jumps. Ben Affleck is another hero on his way out, and it is very unlikely he will repeat his role in the upcoming independent film by Batman.

Rumors began to fly everywhere after Cavill's departure headlines Connoisseurs say the studio is trying to shift the focus to the long-awaited movie Supergirl and restart the entire DC Universe that they have been building in recent years. It is still unclear how Superman fits into this equation, and Warner Bros. representatives keep things well secret.

"While no decisions have been made regarding the upcoming Superman films we have always had great respect and a great relationship with Henry Cavill, and that remains unchanged," said the spokesman by Warner Bros.

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