New FCC filing suggests Nintendo is working on improved Switch Joy-Cons

Despite its huge success since its launch last year, the Nintendo Switch has not been able to shake a particular connectivity problem with its left Joy-Con controller, which is disconnected for many people.

After several initial attempts to repair the firmware through firmware updates, Nintendo finally reduced the problem to a hardware problem, advising its customers to avoid placing their switch consoles "within three or four feet of another wireless device, like a wireless speaker or a wireless access point. "

The company also suggested that Switch owners keep their consoles away from aquariums, microwaves and other devices that could interfere.

Nintendo also introduced another unorthodox solution that involves the application of conductive foam over the controller's antenna, which supposedly protects it from RF interference. However, customers must send their drivers to Nintendo for this particular solution to apply.

Joy-Con division

Fortunately, it seems that Nintendo is finally planning to release updated Joy-Cons, with a new presentation to the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) suggesting that the gaming giant has found a solution to their problems of disconnection controller.

The presentation includes photos of a device that has the same shape as one of the current Joy-Cons of the Switch, although open and showing the circuit board that is inside.

Nintendo still has to comment on its upcoming Joy-Con plans, although if this presentation is fulfilled, we can probably expect some new and improved controllers to hit the market in the not too distant future. [19659009]

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