Chinese PUBG hack developers have been arrested and fined $5 million

Developers of the popular battle royale game, The battlefields of PlayerUnknown (PUBG) have released a statement that updates players about the status of their anti-piracy efforts in the game.

The update was published on the PC gaming platform Steam and details the arrest by the Chinese authorities of 15 individuals suspected of developing and selling hacking programs for PUBG. As a result of the arrests, the suspects have been fined more than $ 5 million.

According to the statement by the Chinese authorities, some of the programs included Trojan Horse virus, which "the developers used to control users' computers, scan their data, and extract information illegally."

Of the 15 suspects, there were only five that were explicitly mentioned by name: "OMG", "FL", "火狐", "须弥" and "炎黄".

Ongoing efforts

Cheating on PUBG is a major problem that the developers of the game take "extremely seriously." This is clear from the anti-cheating software they have employed, BattlEye, which has banned more than 1 million players only in January 2018. [19659010] Only in January we have banned more than 1,044,000 PUBG cheats, unfortunately things continue to escalate. February 4, 2018

In addition to the growing threat of Chinese hackers and cheats, there is also growing concern about mouse and keyboard players who use emulations to master the mobile version of the game.

"We will continue to crack down on the hacking / cheating programs (and their creators)," promises the PUBG Corp team, "until our players are free to fight in a totally just environment."

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