Instructions on How to Use Google Keyword Tool

Once you’ve created your website, landing page, sales page, and / or weaving page, you’ll need to drive traffic to the next level. In order to generate traffic using SEO, Google Search needs to know which keywords you’ve entered to reach your site. To find out about this, you should investigate the keyword itself (and “keyword”, which also means “core phrases” that allow multiple words in a single query). This is to find the word or phrase that is most beneficial to you.

How do I find profitable keywords? First, use the keyword word tool to see how many people are searching for a particular keyword. Second, you can see the competition for your keywords.

The golden rule of this process is to find high search and low competition. & # 39; For example, look for phrases like & # 39; Alpha Dog Behavior Training & # 39; instead of & # 39; Dog Training & # 39; which is considered a highly competitive keyword. .

In the first step, the Google Keyword Tool is the most important tool. It’s fast, efficient and free. To truly compete in this business, you must acquire and acquire this tool.

What does the Google Keyword Search Tool provide?

First, the tool displays important data such as the number of local and global searches generated for the keyword entered. It also shows relative keywords around the keyword. The goal is to find high-search and low-competition keywords again.

How to use the Google Keyword Search Tool?

· Enter the Keyword Tool for Google Search. The first result is “Google AdWords: Keyword Tool.” Click it and go to the Google Keyword Tool website. Enter keyword search to get started.

· Brainstorm key words or phrases.

· When you click the “Get Keyword Ideas” button and enter the cache, you’ll see search results for the keyword ideas you entered, as well as other related keywords suggested by Google.

· Default results for volumes are displayed, including competition, global monthly searches, and local monthly searches. Also, do not forget to change your search type to & # 39; broad search & # 39 ;. Keywords search for keywords with at least 2,000 searches per month.

· You can select a desired keyword and download it as a CSV file or a text document. Narrow down the list to see the keywords you’ve selected, then scroll down to the tag and click on how you’d like to download your keywords.

Phase 2 is looking for competition. Enter your keyword (s) in quotes in the Google search box to identify your competitors. If the number is more than 60,000 or 70,000, competition may be too high. Change to another keyword to see if you can reduce competition.

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