Instagram’s next cash cow: instant Promote ads for Stories

Instagram hopes that the long tail dollars of small businesses and the stars of social media can help him gain weight in the Facebook family. A new type of ad called "Promote" for Stories allows Instagram business pages to show their ephemeral presentations to more users without doing a lot of work. Administrators can choose the automatic targeting of similar users to their followers, people in a particular place, or use all the guidelines of Instagram to insert their story in the queue of Stories of more users as an ad that can also link to the profile Company's Instagram or Website

Facebook confirms to TechCrunch that Promoting for Stories works in a similar way to Facebook's Boost option that allows them to pay to instantly display their feed posts to more users. "I can confirm that we are testing this feature globally, we do not have an immediate timeline for 100 percent implementation, but we will keep it informed," an Instagram spokesperson told me. The screen shots of Promote were shared for the first time by the social consultant Matt Navarra.

Instagram try new Promote Stories ads. Image credit: Matt Navarra

Instagram already has 2 million active advertisers, compared to 6 million Facebook. But designing and targeting ads, especially full-screen video story ads, can be daunting for small businesses and public figures. Promote offers an easy way to convert your existing Stories into ads.

The feature could unlock more spending at a crucial time when Facebook's revenue growth is in a massive decline. It decreased from 59 percent in the third quarter of 2016 to 49 percent in the third quarter of 2017 to 33 percent in the third quarter of 2018, as it reaches saturation in the lucrative developed countries and runs out of space to receive news . Facebook warned Wall Street about the slowdown in revenue, as changes from sources to Stories and advertisers have to adapt, but turning traders and influential locals into paying customers could facilitate that transition.

Instagram Analytics launches beta version

In other Instagram News businesses, today it launched Instagram Analytics in beta as part of Facebook Analytics. The tool goes beyond the Instagram Insights tool that only had different types of commitment to an account and its content, such as new followers, clicks on websites, subsequent publications and exits of stories.

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With Instagram Analytics, business accounts can track the value of useful life and retention rates for people who interact or not with their content, and create audience segments to see if people who commented on a post in particular they generate more value for them. You can also analyze how your Instagram audience overlaps with people who visit your site, download your application or like your Facebook page.

The more Instagram analytics companies have access, the better they can show that their investment in The Platform is paying off. Being able to see exactly how followers move through a conversion funnel will result in greater confidence in campaigns and will result in more spending on advertising and content.

IGTV expects virality with story previews

And there's one last piece of Instagram news for El dia. IGTV has not exploded like Instagram Stories since its launch in June, but a combination could attract the necessary attention to the video center of the application's longest form. Instagram today launched the ability to share a preview image of an IGTV video in your Instagram story. Friends can play to watch the full video on IGTV.

IGTV previews do not play, they are just a static tag. Shazam launched its own Instagram Stories integration today that works similarly to the IGTV previews, as well as the SoundCloud and Pandora partnerships. Shazam allows you to share a preview image of a song in your Instagram history, but to really listen to any music you have to click on Shazam. That makes these integrations inferior to the native music sharing feature of Instagram that really allows you to add a soundtrack to your Stories that friends can listen to while watching.

instagrams next cash cow instant promote ads for stories

Shazam can now share preview images of songs on Instagram Stories, but you have to play to listen to anything

IGTV has also recently added a History tab that shows what you've seen recently. This could be useful to return to your favorite clips or jump to a new episode of a program in which you are hooked.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg said on Tuesday's earnings call that " people really want to see a lot of video," and the company plans to invest more in Facebook Watch's premium content. It has not even publicly announced any agreement to pay for IGTV's content, nor has it opened any direct monetization options to creators, and now that viewers are slow to grow, there is not enough incentive for creators to invest in vertical video production. polished and larger format when there is no other place to put it, except IGTV.The virality through these previews could convince them that there are great opportunities to grow the base of followers available if they are maintained with IGTV. [19659009] 1541122194 717 instagrams next cash cow instant promote ads for stories

These updates show that the departure of Instagram co-founders has not slowed the company's innovation. News on Facebook, Adam Mosseri, maintained an accelerated pace of product launches, and now with Instagram it seems determined to keep users, creators and companies glued to what is fast becoming the social giant's main property.

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