Myspace reborn! Facebook will let you pin song clips to your profile

Facebook will allow your friends to learn about you by transmitting clips of your favorite songs from your profile in a flashback to Myspace Music. You can choose tracks to add to a renewed Music section of your profile that now plays songs instead of showing the artists you like, and you can place your favorites at the top of your profile. The feature will be released in selected countries later this year.

While friends will not be able to hear the whole song to see how you express yourself, they will be able to watch a companion video that collects photos of artists and albums. , like an algorithmic music video. Facebook could finally partner with companies like Spotify or Apple Music to allow the transmission of full songs.

The new Music section of the profile comes along with the release of two previously tested features that are based on those of Facebook. recently acquired music licenses from the major record labels.

Lip Sync Live's Facebook Sync Live feature has now been extended to all users in many countries, and today opens in Pages for artists to show up and connect with fans Lip Sync Live allows you to transmit a video stream by singing or dancing a popular song that you have chosen. And to facilitate the singing, Facebook is beginning to add lyrics to Lip Sync Live, starting with hits like "New Rules" by Dua Lupa, "Better" by Khalid and "Girls Like You" by Maroon 5.

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Facebook music for stories and news

Finally, Facebook is launching its soundtrack feature for Stories. It is now available on iOS and Android in Australia, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States. This allows you to choose from a catalog of songs, choose the section of the track you want and superimpose on a story. You can also share these clips in your news feed. Facebook started testing Music Stories in the last months after its launch on Instagram in June.

facebook is building lasso a video music app to steal tiktoks teens

What began as license agreements to ensure that user videos are not removed for copyright infringement if & # 39; The addition of a soundtrack or songs in the background has now been turned into music functions throughout the application. Facebook clearly sees this as a way to deepen engagement, especially with the teen audience that runs away from applications like Snapchat that lack the same licenses.

Music is also such a central way in which people express themselves. The famous dating app Raya, whose operations director, Jared Morgenstern worked on Facebook for years, allows users to choose soundtracks for slide shows of their photos. It's almost surprising that Facebook has never acquired an audio application like Spotify in its infancy, or later, Rdio or Deezer. But now, through licensing agreements, you can get much of the social benefit of music without having to buy or build a complete music streaming service.

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