Nintendo 64 Classic Mini: what we want to see

Nintendo created a mini console revolution. It started with the NES Mini and the SNES Mini and since then has released mini consoles from Sony and Sega in the form of PlayStation Classic and Sega Mega Drive Mini. Hell, even the Commodore 64 got a new version of the mini console in the form of The C64 Mini.

We hope that all these versions of the console will drive Nintendo to rebuild the console with which the vast majority of millennials grew: the Nintendo 64.

That said, if Nintendo loves money as much as the next business, then you will probably be carefully considering making a Nintendo 64 Classic Mini very soon.

With the SNES Mini now on the shelves and in the houses, selling faster than the stars at a Mario party, Nintendo must focus its attention on the next console in its historical history, the Nintendo 64, and place it under the Retractable beam of the company.

And from these filtered images, that could happen sooner rather than later.

The original console in all its curvilinear splendor.

The historical value of the N64

The first Nintendo console capable of true 3D games, the Nintendo 64 was launched in 1996 and was launched face to face with the Sony PlayStation ginal ori. Although it was the first time that the Nintendo console console began to look a bit shaky in its head, it still claimed some of the best games of its generation, and certainly many titles of the N64 better resist modern scrutiny compared to their counterparts. from Sony.

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Super Mario 64 continues to impress to this day.

While their 3D visual solids impressed, the console opened new paths in other areas, which still resonate strongly today, and helps it to remain a relevant machine, ready for revival. From its analog ignition device to a dime to its drivers equipped with rumors, the N64 may have had a relatively small library of games, but its successes were very cold.

Will there be an N64 Mini?

There is evidence for and against it being the next Nintendo project. To begin with, a trademark document was recently discovered with the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). Registration number 016991325 points to an image of a Nintendo 64 controller, showing the company legally raising the defenses of its trident-shaped platform for some future purpose.

However, there are some obstacles that Nintendo has to jump in order for the N64 Mini to come to the shelves in a way that makes financial sense for the company, which could put the entire company at risk.

First, the console itself is a more complex machine than the SNES and NES Covers that preceded it. Their 3D graphics were more demanding, they required a more complex internal hardware, while their controller was a bulky beast, which would require a more expensive production run. It's worth noting that SNES and NES Mini also share the same internal components, which means that, apart from software development, Nintendo just needed to create a new shell to get the miniature Super Nintendo on the market.

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Banjo-Kazooie would potentially be a title affected by the problem of rare licenses.

And besides that, there is a small problem with the fact that (swallowing) … Microsoft actually owns the intellectual property behind some of the best games of the N64.

In 2002, Microsoft bought the British gaming company Rare, a key talent under the wing of Nintendo during the N64 era. He was responsible for the likes of Donkey Kong 64, GoldenEye, Banjo-Kazooie and more of the console classics.

As a result, bringing these to the mini-machine would be a complicated and potentially expensive process. And things get more complicated with games like Rare & GoldenEye, or the fantastic Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, which are based on other existing licenses. It will not be a simple version if Nintendo commits.

An alternative solution for lost games?

If you're an intrepid gadget interpreter, there may be hope for missing games on any N64 Mini. less if the mini consoles of SNES and NES are about to happen.

Hackers were able to easily access the internal workings of those existing consoles, and they built a tool to put ROM and homebrew on the small SNES and NES machines. The use of ROM is a gray legal area, as we discussed earlier. But in the case of the SNES Mini, there was a suggestion that the console makers had considered this and were turning a blind eye subtly. Perhaps those with access to the missing N64 Mini games can do the same.

What we want to see

More of the same, essentially! The SNES Mini added additional improvements to the formula of the small console and, with a few minor adjustments, the N64 Mini could see the perfected form.

Return features

There are many other things that we would like to see in return: the convenience of pre-installed games, modern connections such as USB for power and HDMI for video and audio, as well as the software saves states and rewinds functionality. Frames for 4: 3 games that are displayed in widescreen are also welcome, as are filters to improve visual effects.

Manuals in the console

Currently, to view the manuals of the games in the existing mini consoles, you must scan a QR code and send it to the corresponding web page. Everything you just won will not do it. Let the manuals, which are often full of wonderful illustrations of the SNES era, be included in the same storage of the console, so that everyone can delight in this art form that disappears quickly.

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The "trident" pad is still unique among game controllers.

Longer cables (or wireless controllers)

The SNES Mini controller cables can be significantly longer than the NES Mini risible, but they are still too short to sit on the other side of the room. Let's make the N64 Mini ten feet long, huh, Nintendo? Or maybe wireless and rechargeable directly from the box? If cables are a necessity, a standardized USB connection would also be appreciated, which may allow them to work with other consoles or computers.

Connectivity and online store

There is something very good about the In fact, the previous Mini have only been offline affairs. There are no Wi-Fi interruptions to worry about, no connected requirements always connected, no notifications that interrupt your sessions. But we still would like a (legal) way to get more games on the machines.

A Wi-Fi connection and a dedicated front of the N64 store would be a welcome addition, and could offset the price of obtaining the problematic license games mentioned above in the console, if they were optional extras paid. Bluetooth for the drivers would be useful, too. Alternatively …

Support for original cartridges

Now, this would be a convenient job around those licensing issues, is not it? If you had the original cars, you could simply plug them in, although you can make the machine a little less "mini" than your ancestors. Maybe a plug-and-play external accessory could add such support?

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The split screen of GoldenEye for 4 players was delightful, provided that Oddjob was banned.

Support for 4 players

What is an N64 without the support of four players? Maybe it was the defining characteristic of the N64, being (for its day) the most accessible four-player machine in the world. With four control ports on the front, he simply plugged in his pads and was ready to go, with no need to work with multiple touches. However, size can be a limiting factor here, which further reinforces the need for wireless pads.

A "Start button"

… or a button shortcut of the controller with the same effect. Having to get up and press the reset button every time you want to change the game, as required by the current Minis, is a bit annoying, it is easily rectified by adding a button or Start command to jump to the main menu.

N64 Mini: the games we want to see

With a smaller general library of games, we would not be surprised if the N64 Mini had fewer games than its predecessor, especially considering the limitations of the licenses.

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Ocarina of Time was considered the best game in the Zelda series, until Switch's Breath of the Wild was released.

But let's imagine that in an ideal world it coincided with the 21 pre-installed titles of its predecessor. What would we like to see included? These:

Super Mario 64

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: The Mask of Majora

] Mario Kart 64

Donkey Kong 64

Banjo Kazooie

] [1945901919]]]

Pokemon Snap

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

F-Zero X [194590002] ] Mario Party ] ] Mario Party ] ] ] ] ]

Super Smash Brothers

Paper Mario

Pilot Wings 64 [196590002] Harvest Moon 64 ] Sin and Punishment

WWF Wrestlemania 2000

Star Fox 64

Jet Force Gemini [19659063]]] Tony Hawks Pro Skater

  • Recital [194] 59011] SNES Classic Mini? Do not miss our review!

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