Malicious messages reportedly crashing PlayStation 4 consoles

We have seen unique malicious messages capable of blocking smartphones, but now there is one for the Sony PlayStation 4 console to keep in mind: users of social networks and Reddit report that they have received a certain specially encoded message that & apos; It's enough to put your hardware out of service.

As The Verge reports, the message includes illegible characters that are enough to cause problems on the PS4 when it opens on Android or iOS. Once the message is read, problems start, even if they are later deleted.

Some users have to report that they have gone to the factory settings on their PlayStation 4 consoles to clean up the mess – This seems like a particularly nasty bug. In some cases, it seems to be used by online opponents who seek to disrupt the game of their rivals.

Can we solve this?

With the error that has just come to light, Sony still has to confirm or officially respond to the problems, but presumably a software update will be enough to plug the security hole and protect it against similar problems in the future.

For now, you can set up your PlayStation 4 and its mobile apps to only accept messages from friends that you and apos; already confirmed, or completely blocked the messages: the options are in Account Management and then in Privacy Settings in the console settings. If you run into problems, a solution seems to be restarting in Safe Mode and then rebuilding the database that should not affect your data.

As we have said, this is not the first time that the program code is not very good. a message has been enough to make a device fall, but it is the first time we see it happen in a console. If we hear more about the error and how to fix it, we will update you here.

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