How high-growth tech companies plan for agility

The remaining agility is a key factor in building a successful business. Especially in technology, where a variety of flexible work practices and how businesses invest in office space.

Building Agile Businesses in a Changing World We are looking at agile businesses that get feedback from today's emerging technology companies on agility issues, what obstacles they face

We have identified four key areas that high-growth technology companies need to keep in mind.

Finding talent for recruitment

Over the past decade, the emergence of artificial intelligence (AI) has underpinned employment. This is particularly true of the debate between the role of robots in the workplace and the dependence of human employment and technology on creating a more efficient workforce. According to our report, 91 percent of employers say they prefer permanent employees and help them form a team rather than the latest technology in AI technology.

What is the reason? Long-term employees can be trained and developed around the company during change. Loyal and timeless employees can better understand the company and understand the company better. Getting change teams is an important first step in maintaining agility.

Understand your business and its associated supply chain

It is important for a growing business to understand the full picture of its industry in order to identify the industry to which it belongs. This means conducting a primary survey and recognizing how quickly the market can move. Through regular customer and prospecting surveys, you can get accurate, up-to-date reports on what your industry wants and where you need to focus on your goals. Relying on hand-collected data can make you more trustworthy than rumors. Understanding what a customer wants is solely from direct inquiry.

Protecting and Protecting Your Intellectual Property From the Beginning

It is important from the outset to identify the intellectual property rights that you have to invent and maintain. Many companies face the challenge of failing to gain intellectual property rights for technology that supports their business and risking their customers, competitors, or disgruntled employees to use them when they leave the business. Understanding IP rights can increase business value and protect your business and products in the future, so you can own more than you originally own.

Prepare for investment and international growth as soon as possible. [19659007] Finally, the traditional trajectory of a technology company is to develop products and services that address market gaps and secure investment opportunities. Initial investor dialogue can be very fast from preliminary concerns to seed funding or series A rounds.

During these conversations, it is important to go through the process of being prepared to maintain investor confidence. This includes ensuring that you understand what you are going to sacrifice as a founder in exchange for financing. Describe your position in terms of shareholder rights, shareholder rights and opportunities for external investment. Also, bring your legal team to an early stage and ensure that you understand your rights at the initial contract head-of-head level. Developing a plan for securing funds means getting what investors can expect.

There are several ways a technology company can plan for agility. The more agile the project is, the better it is to avoid the pitfalls that occur in the process of change.

Mark Blunden is a partner of Boyes Turner

and head of the commercial technology group.

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