Free download Easy Social Share Buttons for WordPress V5.7

Social sharing button for WordPress V5.7

WordPress’s easy social sharing button is the best social sharing plug-in on the market and the most complete and optimized social sharing button package. With a single plugin, you can increase sharing, expand your profile, build next, get new subscribers, and increase traffic.

Extensive social sharing plug-ins for WordPress optimize flexibility and social media exposure to share over 45 major social networks, including broad mobile messaging users. In addition, WordPress’s Easy Social Share Button boasts 52 beautiful templates for social sharing, the most comprehensive 27+ design positions, 30+ eye-catching animations and custom templates. Social sharing plugin for WordPress covering all possible locations for displaying social sharing buttons
WordPress’s easy social sharing button is a true trendsetter for WordPress social media trusted by more than 60,000 sites, including top technology brands.

Social Share Optimization

The Easy Social Share Button in WordPress is an extension to social media profiles and part of the ongoing social media that makes content suitable for social sharing. strategy. Making the most of this feature-rich social sharing plugin will increase your share, Retweets, re-Pins, Likes, + 1s, and your click-through rate on your site. [19659003] Unlike other social sharing plug-ins in WordPress, advanced plug-ins include optional meta tags to improve Google search rankings and social media sharing. Plug-ins automatically generate Open Graph meta tags, Twitter Card meta tags, and Google meta tags, and you can customize them in the Pages / Posts options. The social sharing button in WordPress lets you customize a pre-populated tweet that appears when a visitor clicks on the Twitter button. Plus, all your SEO optimizations made with the popular Yoast SEO plugin are automatically integrated without having to lift your finger! September 19, 2018 5.7

NEW Shared CTA button short code included in advanced settings
NEW Added new share button scaling with preset button size applied to almost all templates
] New Instapaper added to the community Network
Added support for to get Twitter share counters.
New Social Warfare Custom Optimization Migration. An option to import custom shared shared optimization tags, Pinterest images, cached counters, and tweets previously set in Social Warfare.
New features Support for creating short URLs with https generated in rebrandly
NEW More filters Button pop-up window Filters containing HTML messages essb_morepopup_message Added
NEW Several added Cached short URLs,
Automatically stop WPML and Polylang bridges automatically
NEW Add new filter to open graph data for image changes essb_opengraph_image
Static version of the new two chat buttons
Added a new short code displaying essb-click2chat
NEW A new shortcode parameter class has been added to the easy profile. Short code. You can use this parameter to add custom classes to instances of social extension buttons.
Subscribers Booster Module Included field to control daily delays
UPDATE # Shared symbol support with updated shared commands Message
UPDATE Updated Line Shared API Commands
UPDATE Social Media Optimization Internal (19459007)
UPDATE Updated Facebook Followers Counter Updater
UPDATE Includes the ability to stop checking for automatic plugin updates.
Updated notification messages for UPDATE location-based networks. The message is displayed only in the active location.
Statistics displayed in post statistics if FIXED data has not yet been collected
Calling the API on the FIXED followers counter to use https connections only
Fixed short code internal troubleshooting Custom form Form content
Fixed A color issue that does not apply to more buttons with the dot design has been fixed.

May 2, 2018 Version 5.5.2

Update Remove the option to automatically close Facebook. Once the sharing is complete, you can share the conversation. This feature was disabled by Facebook on May 2, 2018. All users must update.

Version 5.4, February 25, 2018

New internal LinkedIn shared counter option added to LinkedIn official Share Counter official announcement – / 2018 / deprecating-the-inshare-counter. Switch to Social Sharing -> Shared Counter Settings -> Internal Sharing Counter, which can be done from a single button counter (LinkedIn settings).
Social sharing optimization tags Nowadays, a new option to disable auto tag pairing (Social Shared Optimization Tags and SEO
Refactoring Reflect on Sidebar Scrolling Appearance to Provide Response Mode Compatibility
Update Google+ Share Counter
Contains the option to deactivate the bottom of the update content Element Trigger
Enhanced options to ensure quick operation and less automatic loading of less frequently used components
new Skype Live Chat
new After sharing in Advanced Settings -> Translation Options
Translate popular post titles and text. Filters added to remove nofollow
New Pinterest client-side counter updates.
To avoid problems with shared recovery options, you can use the add_filter (19459007) add_filter (& nbsp; essb5_remove_profile_rss_nofollow & # 39 ;, & # 39; __ return_true & nbsp; New RealySimpleSSL filter call added
Successful redirect URL option for new subscription form – same redirect can occur in window or new tab
new Close automated close option when advanced share point is opened
Update plugin function
Update Updated AppsCreo Dashboard Widget
Update Social Follower Counter URL to use https when generating Update SocialPublisher URL
Update Manager adds settings to prevent unauthorized storage Check security settings options
Update include extended checks for definition of ESSB_FORCE_SSL (add code to functions.php file
define (& ESSB_FORCE_SSL & true;

Fixed URLs and locations cross in Google Analytics events when Google Tag Manager and data layers are used
No Corner Bar style applied
Fixed plug-in settings panel when using Internet Explorer
Fixed issue with same category option in most popular posts
Problem when loading previous mobile-related file essb-mobile.js when shortcode is used Occurred. Version 5)
Fixes no saving extension options

November 21, 2017 Version 5.2.1

Update Using Alpha Color Picker in Administrator Settings for WordPress 4.9 Compatibility Update
Fixed Missing Defaults Open Graph Image for Missing Posts / Pages
Messages Not Defined in the Console

Version 5.1, October 6, 2007 [1 9459009]

] New Conversions Lite module for social sharing buttons
Added new cornerbar display method
Added new Edgar support
Added new minimum share count option. If you set a minimum shared value for each social network (or if selected), the plugin will show this if the actual share is low. When the minimum value is reached, the actual counter is displayed.
new Adds a network from the New Fake Counter option (you can limit fake counter actions to some networks, not all networks).
new Google internal conversion sharing counter
New option to change the mode of the media sharing button when using a mobile device – you can set it to click to display instead of always.
new Precompiled cache (content folder, upload folder, and plug-in folder). You can also manually set the save folder using the new filter
New additional marking rules to limit the display of flyout and booster formatting at home
MailPoet 3 support in new signup application
Thanks for sharing the new WooCommerce page.
Bimber themes integration module makes it easy to change themes with the Share button with social sharing buttons
You can use the new [Follow Me Bar] option to hide content before it ends.
New GIF image support for social sharing optimization tags
Updates The WooCommerce product sharing optimization tags are compatible with the WooCommerce 2.x version
update. Updated subscription form error message. Invalid email message with invalid text appears. Incorrect message only when an error occurs
Update Space automatically replaced when {title} variable is used in UTM tracking code
Problem not saving network name in normal network settings
Fixed Default Problems displaying quotes and apos in mail messages when using the mail client feature
Opening a new window with the mail window when sending mail using the form

September 20, 2017 version 5.0.1

Pop-up and fly-in display method issues if the condition is used but timeout is not set (share button appears immediately if timeout is not set)
Fixed Does not show all time-sharing buttons
Troubleshooting when not deactivating post type setting
Always customized by post type option Location not saved

Version 4.3.1 (Jul 31, 2017)

Version 4.3.1 is a service update for the Google+ counter change and no new features have been added. Version 5 will be released and soon an open beta test will begin. Click here to participate in the beta program. If you want to suggest useful features or features, please contact us and include them.
Access point used as backup with second update of NEW Facebook counter
Remove update formula or Google+ access counter updated since Google+ Separate update point counters from components.

Version 4.3 (May 10, 2017)

Version 4.3 includes new networking and integration. Naver, QQ, Douban, Hatena, Renren
Updated to version 4.3 to clear cache, Minifcation and / or CDN to remove new cached sites It is recommended to use after. Included Rebrandly short URL support
new included Short URL support
new Integration with SendinBlue in subscription form
Added option to post to modify newly created og: url Advanced Recovery Options)
Options included in popular posts widget / short code to show posts from last 7 days, last 2 weeks, last 1 month or last 1 year
New popular posts included in Widget / Hotkey Option
Added support for as another Twitter alternative to the new shared counter
Updated Elementer Page builder
Updated plugin drawing to automatically show share buttons in content build Turn off animation counters on the device
Update If you have the option to prevent new windows from opening, Mobile search share trace events are updated to run on the round (when browsing with Safari is not blocked on iOS 10.3)
missing the updated social profiles module.
Corrected custom text for pointing to an icon typed in settings. Possible problems associated with more pop-up social networks. If you encounter problems, add the following code to functions.php: define (& # 39; ESSB_MORE_FORCE_ORDER & # 39 ;, true);
Notify me when BuddyPress integration is activated
More / share button problem when personalized by short network list
Fixed Broken mail message when using symbol & in post title
Do not save image to shared optimization
Do not save author profile URL to published social sharing optimization
Edited Editor field not saved Values ​​on some setting screens
# or |
Does not erase the essb_cache_static folder when using build in cache
If the option associated with this counter is set to Yes

then the problem of total counters does not occur on all social networks. 4.2 (March 30, 2017)

Version 4.2 contains a number of visual improvements. New updated styles and scripts

To clear the cache, minispacations and / or CDNs used to introduce new Frontend customization tools for quickly changing the most common options on site
It is recommended to use after. New front end live button customizer – just click anywhere.
has a new social sharing button.
New counter animation added to counter updates up to 5 times faster.
New fly-out opt-in format based on various events (timing, scrolling, ending intent)
New button pack with buttons
Button pack: Previous post, Next post, bookmark, ] Setting is always based on all installed social networks.
Filter of shared recovery that can be used for custom URL recovery. Essb4_recovery_filter
new interface with removal option
new Share After work
Included follow-up buttons
New [Included After] Includes button click tracking in newly-built analytics
New Added Advanced sharing options to avoid problems when VKontakte can not read Open Graph tags on your site
Twitter with new media sharing users
New social sharing optimization Include those modules (including special WooCommerce product tags) Image support width and height tags. Note: Temporarily discontinues support for this version of the Open Video Graph tag.
New developer API filter to register and use their button on the social share button list (custom network or custom multi-purpose button)
New developer API filter to register with Custom network of social followers
(19459007) Add new experiment tracking for events when using Google Tag Manager
New features Include manager options (experimental) [New] Added new follower counters Three new templates: Modern Light, Metro Fancy and Metro Bold
Added to new profile Modern Light Template
The new Beaver Builder theme integration module Included
New Rainbow design added to subscribe form
New Rainbow Template for social sharing button
Include new Spanish translation
Display updated social extensions to prevent visual flaws in all templates.
Updated plugin settings screen with updated availability enhancements

Yoast setting for updates to create a message that seamlessly integrates WordPress SEO Refactoring code for shared restoration
Updated to load the latest on demand code
Updated GetResponse API of update subscription module
Updated LinkedIn API inside followers counter – tokens must be generated to get social follower values ​​
myMail (currently Mailster
Text issue with private info button
Problems when not applying mobile settings on fixed tablet
Fixed / perso time more / share button issue
fixed backend
Fixed social profile style missing on mobile when shortcode is used
Fixed social profile not saved in social share optimization tag

Fixed Instagram Follower Counter User Defined Program Issues
More buttons with fixed problems always do not display the network
Sharing buttons appear in the display area of ​​the publishing bar and default visual options are missing
Fixed missing point visual options [19459007FixedOptinBoostercodethatappearsonapagewithplug-insdisabled
Fix myCred click problem for link problems with myCred version 1.7 or higher
Administrator panel slows down due to UTM trace option problems and shortened URL
Fixed Fly In Time Trigger Event Issue
Fixed Foam Form Fixed an issue where the image did not change in Design # 7
Option issues to avoid open mobility
Fixed white stripe lines appear when using the spot display method
Color customization problems with the viral spot display method Fixed
Fixed Fixed FireFox encountered a problem popping up the exit intent.
Missing icon for custom display method when site is under https

MORE / INFO – DEMO: 6394476

Download social sharing button for WordPress V5.7


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