Circle wants more women to invest in cryptocurrency

The first Bitcoin users – the libertarian anarchist crowd "cypherpunk" – were mostly men. Today, about a decade after the release of Satoshi Nakamoto's famous white paper, most cryptocurrency holders remain men.

This poses a problem for companies that bet on the general adoption of the cryptocurrency. At this point, they have already taken advantage of that central base of Bitcoin enthusiasts, namely the Millennium men. But how do they reach more women? Or Gen Xers? Or Baby Boomers?

Crypto Finance Company Circle thinks that educational and accessible resources are the answer. As of today, the company has added a new feature (pictured above) to its encryption investment application, Circle Invest. Their hope is that simple jargon-free explanations (a kind of "Cryptocurrencies for Dummies" integrated into the application) will make it easier for new demographic groups to put their foot on the door of the cryptographic universe and learn one or two things to along

"Many of the applications that exist in the market are aimed at people who already understand the market and who, unfortunately, tend to be men," said Circle's product manager, Divya Agarwalla , to TechCrunch.

The inspiration for the new feature came after the results of one study showed a serious lack of diversity among encryption investors. The study, commissioned by Circle, surveyed 3,000 Millennials, Gen Xers and Baby Boomers in the US. UU And he discovered that millennials are more than twice as likely to invest in cryptography during the next year.

For anyone who has attended a blockchain or crypto conference event, this is probably not news. According to Coindance, approximately 95 percent of Bitcoin's "community commitment" comes from men.

A strategic attempt to access a new user base is a natural step for Circle, which has long-standing ambitions to become PayPal (and Venmo) cryptocurrency.

Most people are familiar with the consumer-oriented payment application Circle, Circle Pay, although the company also operates a commercial desk called Circle Trade, as well as Poloniex, another exchange platform that the company added through his acquisition of the company of the same name earlier this year. That agreement, according to Fortune, was worth about $ 400 million.

Circle has raised about $ 250 million in venture capital funds to date from IDG Capital, Breyer Capital, General Catalyst, Accel, Digital Currency Group, Panther, Blockchain Capital, Goldman Sachs, Tusk Ventures and more. A round of $ 110 million in May valued the company at $ 3 billion.

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