Healthcare leads the way when it comes to AI investment

Leading research in the medical industry has been published in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) research and applications.

CB Insights reports on the latest AI trends in healthcare, as well as Google, Apple and other technology giants.

Google's DeepMind, for example, is revolutionizing diagnostics by comparing the accuracy of health care professionals in diagnosing 50 eye-threatening eye diseases, and pharmaceutical companies are using new

AI Obstacles

CB Insights inspects the current process, which no longer acts as one of AI's biggest obstacles in the medical field. Emerging technologies face the unique technical and feasibility issues of the healthcare industry, such as no standardized form of patient data or centralized repositories in the United States.

If you fax a patient file and set it to an unreadable image of a PDF or handwritten note, it will be very difficult for the AI ​​to extract useful information. But Apple and other big-tech companies have advantages as they are familiar with large partner networks, including healthcare providers and EHR vendors.

Research kits and care kits can create new data sources and transform clinical trials. EHR data in patient's hands.

CB Insights leverages the database to identify trends that are changing the healthcare industry, and a 33-page report is available for download here.

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