Airbnb hosts are offering free rooms to people fleeing Hurricane Florence

With hurricane Florence rapidly approaching the southeast coast, many are leaving the area and looking for accommodation inland. Let's hope people have shelter, but for a handful of those who do not, Airbnb hosts are offering their free rooms for free.

More than 300 hosts from Pennsylvania to Alabama are participating in the Airbnb Disaster Response Program, through which they can easily offer their room or spare unit to people fleeing from Mother Nature, free of charge. They get none of that, except supposedly the satisfaction of helping someone who needs it.

The available units are listed here, and you can (and should) activate your own place by logging in and finding the "urgent accommodation" option. Technically, you can choose to charge instead of being free, but that would be a bit rotten in this situation.

You will need an account, of course, if you are looking for a place to stay. You will have to train with your host for how long you can stay. And anyone who takes advantage of this to deceive a generous host and go sightseeing after a natural disaster is a bastard. Do not even think about it.

Three hundred free rooms could not make a dent in thousands and thousands looking for a place to stay, but it is a good example of a platform that makes it easy to generate a little social welfare. . Airbnb has done this for many other disasters, but not everyone knows it, so if you're new to the system, consider signing up.

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