20 Free News Website Templates To Share News As They Happen

Growth in the online world not only influenced companies, but also changed the news and the media industry. The way in which the contents are consumed is drastically changed. Important news is shared almost instantly as it happens.

Having a website for your news channel is no longer an option, it is an essential function. Developing an application for your news channel can be a bit more expensive than creating a news website. But the latest website development helps sites load almost like an application with a friendly user interface for mobile devices. If you have a tight budget, you can use these free website templates to create an amazing news website.

Free HTML news website templates

The latest HTML free news website templates are easy to customize and use. The templates mentioned in this list follow the HTML5 framework. HTML5 templates are designed to meet the latest needs of the website. You can effectively manage the speed of the website and also elegantly display the website on small screen mobile devices. The following are the best templates of free news websites that you can use for your website and can also be used as templates for magazine websites.


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  Wordl Free Template

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  Magazine Free Template

Magazine is a professional-looking news website template. The template follows the modern design design. It is a multi-page website template with all the necessary pages you need in a professional news website template.

Below the navigation bar itself, the flash news item appears. In this template, the flash news item is called as the latest news. The speed of movement of the text is optimal and can be easily read. You also get a scrolling effect in the last publication segment.

The design of the Magazine is designed intuitively. The content block effectively handles any type of news. This template also uses the framework HTMl5, CSS3 and Bootstrap.

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  Free Magnews Template

Magnews is a flat style HTML news website template. It is a flat style bootstrap compatible website template. This template follows the typical design aesthetic that it required on a news website.

It is a multi-page website template. This template provides you with a slider to show the latest trends. In addition to the slider section, the latest news and the section of the gallery on the home page are also included.

In the sidebar, you have options such as popular news and subscription to the newsletter. You also have options to add advertising banners. The News Reporter template uses the latest
HTML5 framework, CSS3 and Bootstrap.

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  TheGazette free template

TheGazette is a modern news website template. Use the full screen of the device with its full width design. The texts are clear and bold, making it easy to read the news on the website.

The visual effects of this website template are sharp and eye-catching. Below the news category section, the flash news style element is placed; You can add the latest news here.

It is a multi-page website template. You have the option to insert your Twitter account in a footer widget. The design of the design is intuitive so that it can accommodate more blocks of content easily. The displacement effects are clean and the carousel transition effects are smooth. Respond in a mobile way and follow the HTML5 framework.

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Sports News Portal

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TechNews is a simple-looking news website template. The template follows a simple design style of three sections. Get a great carousel header to show trending topics. The effects of displacement and other transition effects are minimalist.

Get the search option and the navigation bar of the page. In the sidebars, you can place popular publications, categories, and labels. The footer section gives you the option to add Flickr feeds to the website and the subscription form. This template is designed based on the technology news style, but can also be used for another style news website.

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GoCrepe is a colorful multipurpose website template with the style of website design and web elements you need to create a news website. Boxed content can handle both trexts and images, scroll effects, parallax scrolling and fashion icons make this template a modern-looking website template.

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Express News [19659033] express-news “width =” 1100 “height =” 585 “srcset =” https://cdn.colorl
ib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2 /express-news.jpg 1100w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/express-news-300×160.jpg 300w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp /wp-content/uploads/sites/2/express-news-768×408.jpg 768w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/express-news-1024×545.jpg 1024w “sizes =” (max-width: 1100px) 100vw, 1100px “/>

Express news is a clean news website template. With bold fonts and an orderly design style, the texts look clean and easy to read. It is a multi-page website template with a drop-down menu option for easy navigation.

The header section includes a large carousel image to show the most popular news. Below the menu option, you will see the flash news section. In the breaking news segment, the texts move quickly. If you intended to use this template, modify the template to reduce the speed of the text in the breaking news segment.

You also have the option to insert video in this template. In the sidebar, you have the options to add news, comments and popular tags. In the footer section, you have the option to include your Flickr feeds.

The news of Overall Express is a modern and clean-looking news website. Use HTML5, CSS3 and the latest Bootstrap framework.

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Motive Mag


Motive Mag is a neat news web template with bright colors, with the image of the slider completely extended and clean sources, the template of this website looks professional.This template can also be used for other professional blogs.

When using bright red color as the primary color for web elements, this template draws attention easily, you also get a gallery section with a parallel style scroll effect. The right sidebar gives you the option to share on social networks, subscription form and main news.

The displacement effects are clear and clean. You will get the options from the drop-down menu to facilitate navigation. In the footer section, you get the choice of the options editor, the popular publication and the popular category. This template uses the latest HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap frameworks.

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Mag Express


Mag Express is a modern-style news website template, uses a bright yellow color as the color primary of the website template The color of the template easily demands attention It is a multi-page website template with all the necessary pages previously designed for you

This template uses subtle visual effects for displacement effects and other effects of transi Mag Express uses a design of modern design style. You will get two carousels in the header section so that the template is interactive. On the clean white background, the texts and images of the posts are clearly visible and easy to read.

This template follows the latest HTML5 framework, CSS3 and Bootstrap. It's a lightweight theme that loads faster. It is also sensitive to mobile devices and can be clearly seen on any device.

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News Magazine


The news magazine is a common styl
e news web if you template.It is a clean template Simple and straightforward, it has no unique style designs or modern design, but News magazine does the job in an orderly fashion with the elements it has.

It gives you carousels for current news, it also gets section segments for easy navigation. through the news website. Transition ects and other visual effects are clean and simple. This template uses HTML, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework. Because it's a lightweight theme, it loads faster.

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Hydrogen is a simple and clean news website template.This template is the best option to start the news website, especially for the website that maintains One person.

The effects of bouncing like bubbles when moving down are clean and different.These effects make this template a unique option.It is a multi-page website template with the necessary pages previously designed for you. ed.

On a clean white background, texts and images look clean. This template follows the masonry style design design. It's a visually pleasing web template with clean visual effects. This template can also be used as a personal website template and blog website template.

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Time press


Time Press is a simple and clean news website template, it has all the elements of the news website in a simple template design.The template follows the classic style design design.

The font size is a little smaller than the normal size, unless the text looks clean in this With the use of pink tone, this template provides a feeling of a template io feminist web In the sidebar, you have the options of advertising banners and popular publication. This template allows you to easily embed video in the template. You also have the option to add a Twitter widget to this template.

This template also uses HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework. Respond with mobility and is also optimized for speed.

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Free news website template for WordPress

WordPress website templates are flexible and easy to use HTML website template. In WordPress, even if you have chosen a simple news website template, you can customize it. If you can not customize the theme, you can easily change the existing theme.

The free templates of news websites for WordPress offer you many options compared to the HTML website template. In the premium WordPress news website template, you get advanced options and more elegant themes. The following are the best free templates of news websites for WordPress.


  news-paper-x [19659069] news-paper-x "width =" 1100 "height =" 585 "srcset =" https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/ uploads / sites / 2 / news-paper-x.jpg 1100w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/news-paper-x-300×160.jpg 300w, https: //cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/news-paper-x-768×408.jpg 768w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites /2/news-paper-x-1024×545.jpg 1024w, https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/news-paper-x-776×413.jpg 776w, https: / /cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/news-paper-x-506×269.jpg 506w "sizes =" (max-width: 1100px) 100vw, 1100px "/>

NewspaperX is a premium news website template with no feelings.It is a WordPress website template optimized so you can easily insert ads on your site.The top bar of the website shows the latest news, it is a clickable link , so that users will be n taken to the news article directly.

Each news item is clearly labeled in a dark blue badge for easy identification of its category. Each block of image content has ample space for the website to look clean and easy to read.

The website template uses HTML5, CSS3 and the Bootstrap framework. It is also optimized for mobile devices, optimized for speed and compatible with several browsers.

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Today is a minimalist news website template. In the clean white background color, texts, images and other elements of the website are visible and easy to read. It is a multi-page website template.

Get an ordered navigation bar with the drop-down menu option to organize the menu option effectively. The template provides ample space to place advertising banners. In the sidebar, you have the option to add recent publications, categories and small spaces for banners.

The footer section also reflects the same options that you get in the sidebar. As it is WordPress, you can easily customize it according to your need. This WordPress news website template is mobile, optimized in speed and compatible with several browsers. It also follows HTML5, CSS3 and the Bootstrap framework.

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Palms is a full-width news website template.It is a clean and elegant website template.Use of clean white background, warm colors and text Dark color makes this theme a multipurpose WordPress website template.

Since Palmas is a full-width website template, you have ample space for all content and web elements.The header section contains a great hero image, in the interface of p Users can easily switch between tabs. Along with the image, the message header, the date and its category are also displayed in the header image.

In the sidebar, you get the widget, the search options and the tags. The pagination at the end of each page helps the user navigate through the pages easily.

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News Mag Lite


News Mag Lite is a free version of WordPress premium new s site templates Web. The benefits of using a lite version are; the theme is well coded and the design is perfect in pixels. You can get a premium feel website template in the free version itself.

In the free version, customization options are limited. If you are using a freemium website template, always choose the theme that best suits your needs in its default look. News Mag Lite is an optimized website template so you can easily generate more revenue.

News Mag Lite is a clean-looking website template with a bright red color as the primary color. On the home page, you can add the sections to your news site, so that users can get a general overview of today's news easily.

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Intuition is a clean news website template. With large images of carousel and bold text, the content of the images is easy to read. It is a multi-page website template with all the necessary pages that you may usually need on a website.

The effects of displacement and other transition effects are subtle and easy for the user. In the footer section, you can add the Flickr image widget and recent news. This template is basically
designed as a personal website template. But the design of the design and the elements of the website conform to the requirements of the news website.

This template uses HTML5, CSS3 and the Bootstrap framework. It is a flexible website template; and the user can easily customize it.

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Editorial Mag


Editorial mag is a worry-free premium news website that's a professional-looking WordPress theme with all the necessary news website element you need to create a professional-looking website template.

This website template offers four types of home page layout design options: Editorial mag is a web template colorful, for each e ticket follows a color. The effects of displacement and other transition effects are clean.

At the top, it has a carousel style news section. In the right sidebar, recent posts, labels and last comment options. The sidebar also acts as a stick to a certain extent. This template follows HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework.

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PT Magazine


PT Magazine is a modern and up-to-date news website template This website template Provides the news section of trends in the header section The transition effects are simple but manage to attract people's attention.

The content blocks are designed very well and can easily manage many news in different categories. image of section d the header is a picture of the slider, and the user can easily move through the carousels to find the latest news.

The right sidebar gives you many useful functions. You can have a recent publication, a popular publication, a gallery and the social tracking icons in the sidebar. The texts are bold enough to read on any device.

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Newslite is a minimalist and clean-looking WordPress news website template. It is a free version of a premium version. In the free version, you only have a limited customization option and limited support from the subject's author.

This theme follows a box type design. Within the given space, the website manages to show the news neatly on the site. The effects of transition and the effects of displacement are clean. It is a multi-page website template with drop-down menu to facilitate navigation.

On a clean white background, texts and images are easy to read. In the sidebar, you have the option to add news, categories and trend advertising banners.

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MagazineX Lite


MagazineX Lite is also a freemium WordPress news website template. In the lite version, customization and support options are limited. For advanced functions, you must upgrade to the pro version.

This topic offers two types of demo options and four different page layout options. You also get a custom type of publication for the gallery, audio and video publications. With big header image and bold text, you can easily mark your brand on the website.

With clean white background, the image and the texts look clean and easy to read. The theme provides you ample content box option to display any number of news easily on the website. This template follows HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework. The theme is easy to customize and update.

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Grid Magazine

Grid Magazine is a professional looking news website temp late. It follows the same modern layout style you have seen in the above WordPress news website template. With big image holders and bold texts, the website template can handle the content well.

This template follows HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap framework. This theme is completely optimized, it is speed optimized and SEO optimized. Grid magazine is also mobile responsive and compatible cross-browser.

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What's Your Choice

These are some of the best free news website templates you can make use of for your site. You can use HTML website template or WordPress template; the choice is yours. Since you have to manage more contents for news websites, it is wise to use WordPress template.

To get a better idea of ​​the type of template you want to use for your template, feel free to check our other WordPress theme collection. What's your favorite free news website template? Let us know in the comment section below.

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