The OnePlus 6 is now available to order

& # 39; The OnePlus 6 is now officially available to order from the OnePlus web site & # 39 ;. You can choose the base model starting at $ 529, which provides you with 6 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage. As a reminder: if you get OnePlus 6, it will not work on Sprint or Verizon in the US. UU; it's only on AT & T and T-Mobile.

Also available is a more powerful 8GB RAM / 128GB storage model for $ 579 or the highest quality 8GB RAM / 256GB storage model for $ 629. What's new in this year's model is an OLED display of 6,280 inches larger than 2280 x 1080 pixels (complete with mandatory notch 2018 at the top) and the latest Snapdragon 845 processor from Qualcomm. There is also an updated camera that The Verge's review editor Dan Seifert noticed that it was better than previous OnePlus shooters, but still can not compete with Google's best Pixel 2 image quality offer, Samsung's Galaxy S9, or Apple's iPhone X

Still, at an initial price of $ 529, it's a very good option if you're not looking to break the bank, but still want the latest smartphone hardware.

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