25 Free Email Templates For Each Stage of Business

A strong email list is the greatest asset of any website. From personal blogs to large corporate sites, everyone strives to obtain the user's email address. Because email is the youthful sources of your site, it brings regular traffic to your site. If we can design strategies for an appropriate plan, we can use these emails to grow our business. In this list, we've compiled some of the best free email templates created with HTML, which you can use to increase user participation in email.

Basically, email templates are broadly classified into three types; newsletter, personal and promotional notifications. Most emails are now automated by email marketing tools such as Mailchimp, Sendinblue, Aweber and many more. In this free list of email templates we have managed to collect templates for these three categories, so be sure to mark them all.

Obtaining an email address alone will not help you drive users to your site. The email inbox of the users will already be clouded with a number of emails. Experts use various strategies and psychological elements to make the user open the mail and take them to the site. The psychological part depends purely on the content and the strategy depends exclusively on the design of the template. In this free list of email templates, we have compiled the templates that have a well thought design. All you have to do is add your attractive content to make the user click on the link.

Mangez Moi

Mangez Moi of the proper name can identify that this template is for restaurants. This email template was originally designed for the special holiday event. If you read some marketing statistics by email, you may have seen that text emails tend to become good. It does not fit niches like restaurants. It is through the image that you can show your delicious foods and entice the users. This template also gives you enough space to add images and texts. You can share some of your best dishes and a link to the particular dish, at the bottom you have the option to add a call to action button to take the user to the site.

You have space to add your logo to the header and footer to increase your brand identity. In the footer, you also have the option to add profile links to social networks. The coding used to make this receptive email template delivered directly to you can be used to create your own.

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Black Friday


Black Friday, as the name implies, this template is for fashion websites and e-commerce websites. This template is included in the promotional email category. Black Friday is a simple template that gives you space to add images. Bold text to highlight offers and a call to action button. As in the websites, this email template has a navigation menu option at the top to take the user to the respective category directly from the email. The HTML code used to make this incoming email is shared directly with you, where you can make live changes and preview it

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General email template

General email template ]

With this email template, you get a general outline. The space between each element is given perfectly so that the template does not look clumsy on small screen devices, besides that the contents are also easy to read. In the header, you have a bold text nd space add hero image. With this template, you can make an email focused on the laser that helps the user understand the purpose without taking much time. The call-to-action buttons are placed in the right places where you will get a better click rate.

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Promotional email

Promotional email

Promotional email is a dark subject email template. It does not use any limited limit, but it makes use of the whole page. The full page design also looks elegant on small screen devices. You get a really simple design, you have space to add your logo to the top and image ero. The texts are bold and have a large amount of space to facilitate reading. Right above the footer section, it has a call to action button. In the clean and dark background, the orange call-to-action button looks elegant and also receives attention as soon as you open the email.

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Exploratory is a full-page email template. With this full-page email template, you can immerse your recipient with interactive content elements. The header has a large section with a blue background. You also get a reserved space to add images. of this template use H TML effectively, to make this template neat and professional. This email template is also responsive for mobile devices. Since the elements are large, interacting with those elements on small screen devices is an easy job. The only thing that should change is the color of the call to action button. In the default design, the call to action button also uses the blue color, which does not look distinctive from the background color.

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Amario is an email template for travel sites. This email template is designed as a landing page, which reports on the features and has other promotional elements. The Amarion template elegantly handles both texts and images. Only a small mistake with this template is the text spacing. . To give more space, in some points the text sp the action is reduced, which makes the texts seem clumsy. Apart from the texts, every other feature is designed to perfection. You get enough call-to-action button in this template to take the user to your site. In both the header and the footer, you have space to add your logo, which helps your email to look perfectly like a brand.

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Sometimes it is better to leave the promotional part to your customers. Most startups and application companies use an invitation strategy to attract new users. When a recommendation is from a reliable person, the conversion possibilities are higher than what we normally receive. Website template can create an attractive invitation email. T your template takes the profile picture of the current user and uses the receiver's name to give it a personal touch. By giving it a personal touch, the possibilities of e-mail opening rate and click-through rate will increase. This is an email template rich in images, so be sure to prepare some attractive images before choosing this template. Like most of the other free email templates on this list, it is also responsive to mobile devices.

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Real Estate

Real Estate [19659002] Real Estate is an email template that seems long and tedious. This template only uses images and a clean white background in its design, which makes it look professional. The colored web elements are only used in the place required to get the attention of the user. of this template, line icons with medium stroke are used. In the background of the image, some of the texts are not legible, to avoid it the design has used blocks of white content. White content blocks highlight important features. Before using this template, you need to fix some things according to your needs, so take a complete look when you implement it for your email campaign.

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worldly [19659002] Worldly is an email template for offers and promotions. With the long design, this template offers you a lot of space to add a list of the best deals with images. Since this email template is designed for travel agencies, you get plenty of space to add images to texts. Bright yellow highlighter gets attention from the ntion user, but at the same time, it does not look too flashy. In the footer, you have space to add contact details and other important links. This HTML template is prepared for mobile devices, so you also get better readability on small screen devices.

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Salted is an illustrative style email template. The illustrative design with the line icons increases gradually even in the design of website templates. Especially the new companies and websites of SAAS companies ate the one that covers this design very much. With bold texts and flat icons, this template creates a professional minimum email template. . Instead of writing all th In content, this template uses the image to say the messages in an interactive way.

The creator of this template gave us a long template, so we have more than enough space to add our content. The call-to-action buttons are placed in the correct places. Since this template uses colorful flat icons, the user will ignore the call to action button. When using this template, make sure that the call to action button is different from the rest of the design.

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Ticketshop is an email website template for the sale of tickets for events. With the pristine design of this template, the user will receive a clear message of their event. The highlighted elements are handled perfectly, so that at a glance, the user will get the important points easily. You space to add images, texts and partner logo. Images and text content are treated equally in this template, so interact with your visitors interactively. The HTML code used for this template can be extracted and used for custom development. Because the creators have already taken care of the receptive jobs, you can concentrate on your work.

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Survey Email

Survey-Email [19659002] Data-driven content works better than any other content on the market. These contents not only bring tons of traffic to your site, but also help you get a number of backlinks. To collect a single data set, the most common method is topography. If you have a strong list of emails, you can use your subscribers to make an interesting topic. The email template is designed to take surveys. You get a flat design email template with neat vectors and bold text. The email template is short and clean, it helps you focus more on the content. Just below the content, it has a scale of 0 to 10, to help the user to select the rating. The section of the footer of the page contains the links of the profiles of the social networks and other useful links.

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Template with sidebar


This email template is the perfect choice for bloggers. With this template, you get a registration page with the hero section in the top bar and the sidebar to add promotional content. for text content. This template also provides you with a content highlighter box, to help you add important points or notes. Only in the top bar, you have space to add images or logos. A call-to-action button is placed at the bottom of the page.

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General marketing template

General marketing template

With bold text and neat design, this template is undoubtedly the best marketing template. The creator of this template has mentioned the dimensions of the images in the email template. So all you have to do is prepare the content that fits well with this email template. Marketing template gets promotional elements and highlights elements in this email template. The Call to Action buttons are placed at the top and near the bottom to increase the conversion possibilities. Like most of the other free email templates on this list, it is also responsive to mobile devices.

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Upsell is a promotional e-mail category template. Many of the SAAS Companies and other application-based companies allow the user to access their applications by creating a free account. But is it a business? At some point, do you need to generate income? You can use your user email to kindly request that you update the plan if they found your service really useful. By clearly mentioning the benefits of the premium program you can convert leads into customers. This template offers you a long template with ordered sections and light colors. With this template, you can deliver a clear message to users. The HTML code used to make this template shared with you directly can be used to create your own template.

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NewsLetter 2


Newsletter 2 is from the same creators of the general marketing template mentioned above. This template is perfectly designed for the new letter, with this template you can clearly explain the story. width of the image of the banner, the dimensions are marked for your reference. As it is a bulletin template I do not have call-to-action buttons, instead only text links are used. This template uses the latest HTML5 framework, so if you need to add elements, you can easily add it by adding some lines of code yourself.

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drip [19659002] Drip is one of the familiar templates used by many companies and startups of SAAS. The design is quite simple, but it has all the elements and texts aligned in the center. By placing the elements in the right place, he easily directs the user to his The font selection is also impressive with this template, which makes reading very simple in this email model. The call-to-action button supports scroll effects. In general, the Drip template is a perfectly optimized email template, which will greatly reduce the work of preparing your email. All the dimensions are also marked in this template to help you easily prepare the contents that best suit this template.

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It is difficult to satisfy all clients of Sometimes, you may find yourself in a situation where you miss a client. You can ask politely for a second chance by offering them an offer or other premium features. This email template helps you keep your current client. Touch the customer providing a handwritten style thank you message. Yes, the handwritten text is also a source, but it gives a human touch, among other professional-looking texts. The Call to Action button and offers are clearly updated in this email template to improve visibility. The code used for this simple ordered template is shared directly with you, all you have to do is change the content and customize the base of the template according to your needs.

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My order

My order

The email template of my order will be very useful for e-commerce websites and other websites that provide services in line, since it is a template related to personal messages and information. more importance for the content of the text. With the large and neat texts, the readability is excellent in this template. The nt texts are highlighted making them bold. In the footer, you have space to add your logo and other contact details. If you are offering order tracking services, then it would be great to add the call to action button to take the user directly to the status of your order.

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Welcome template

Welcome template

Welcome is a common template used by all services and bloggers. It is nice to show the users something of love and give a warm welcome. If you are a blogger and moving towards the goal of forming a community, small details like these will help you form a rong community. This template is clean and simple, giving you only the option of adding images and texts. In the upper part you have space to add an image of 200 x 200 dimension, there is a large amount of space between the texts to be readable. You also have the option to add social network profile links and website links at the bottom. If you are looking for a short and pleasant email template, this is the perfect option for you.

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Receipt Email

Reception Email

This email template is for auto-alerts activated. Today's email marketing tools allow you to send automatic messages based on user activity. The automated email system helps many small e-commerce store owners. When you integrate your email system with your e-commerce platform, activity-based emails are activated. This email template is designed for reception, where you have space to add the amount of order details and track the call to action button.

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Reset password


Password reset is one of the automatic emails activated based on the user's request. As it is a service email to help the user perform a task, the template must be clean. It only has the options and features required. In this template, you can add detailed contact, but avoid using promotional content. This template offers you a large space to add images, bold text and a fully extended call-to-action button so that the user can see the contents clearly even if in a hurry. The footer section has periodic information and the option to cancel subscription.

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Single letter

of one letter

One letter is traditional HTML email With bold text and large images, this template follows a regular email template that we have seen in our inbox. As this design is overexploited, the interaction rate in this type of email template is lower. Or, in other words, you can say that this template has passed its glory time. But if you want to try it in your email campaign, you can still use it. This template uses the latest HTML framework and is also responsive to mobile devices.

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Music events


Music event is the best email template for event organizers and other sites when organizing an event. The design of the default email is longer than usual, therefore, it has more than enough space to add all the details of the event and the ticket. Since this email template is developed for musical events, the icons used are closely related to musical events. A small problem with this template is the text on the images. The fonts used are clean and easy to read, but when you see those texts in the background of the image it is quite difficult to read. Important content is correctly highlighted in this template, for example, the time of the event and other contact details.

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Mild Skate


If you are running your own branded store, this email template is for you. This email template is included in the promotional email category. Therefore, obviously you will get many promotional elements with this template. the navigation of a website as the navigation option at the top, to take the users directly to the particular page. With this template, you also get a price table to show the subscription options. So if you are running a campaign to promote your subscription model these elements may come in handy for you.

Since this email template is optimized for mobile devices, the users can interact with the emails easily. If you are a developer you can use this template for commercial use. But for that, you have to buy license separately. Therefore these are some of the best free email templates you can use for your email campaign.

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