Tendulkar, Thakur launch sporting initiative

Tendulkar, Thakur launches sports initiative

Press Trust of India
News May 4, 2018, 18:36 IST

Dharamsala, May 4 (PTI) Parliamentarian BJP Anurag Thakur and great cricketer Sachin Tendulkar launched today & # 39; Star Khel Mahakumbh & # 39; in the presence of 1500 athletes.

The event seeks to attract the participation of at least one young lakh from Thakur Circumscription of Hamirpur. Athletes will compete in volleyball, basketball, cricket, soccer, kabaddi and athletics.

I firmly believe that sports have the power to shape personalities and contribute enormously to the holistic growth of an individual, "Thakur said at the launch. [19659019] googletag.cmd.push (function () {googletag.display (& # 39; div-gpt-ad-1471939899593-0 & # 39;);});

"To ensure that participation is not limited and that the most remote resident has a fair chance to excel, the initiative has been designed in such a way that it seeks the participation of youth from 5000 villages and 800 panchayats, he said more. 19659017] Thakur added that more than Rs 1 crore will be invested in the project over the next five years.

Speaking of the initiative, Tendulkar said: Sports can play a vital role in shaping lives and such initiatives help reinforce this by providing platform for budding talent. "

Registration will take place on panchayats grounds from May 4 to 20

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