Google Now becomes Google Then as the popular Android launcher is laid to rest

More than a year ago, Google publicly announced that its official Google Now Launcher for Android would eventually retire, and it seems that finally came the fateful day: the once popular launcher, notable for being the first public launcher of the search giant. released on the Google Play Store, it looks like it has finally been buried.

According to Android Central, if you try to install Google Now Launcher from the Play Store, it is now shown as incompatible with almost all recently launched Android devices, with the exception of Pixelbook (which is not really designed) and, interestingly, the Blackberry KeyOne.

While it has since been replaced and rendered irrelevant in Google's newest Pixel devices, which use their own dedicated Pixel Launcher, the interface remains a favorite among users who wanted to offer phones from third-party manufacturers such as Samsung , LG and HTC that feel original of "Android stock".

Unlike Google Now Launcher, Google has not officially enabled the Pixel Launcher on third-party phones or tablets, and it is unclear if it intends to do so at any time in the future.

See you on the crossroads

The Now Launcher, which came by default on Google's Nexus phones and tablets, allowed users to swipe directly from the home screen to access personalized Google Now cards, a feature that was anticipated with the arrival of the Google Assistant. .

Users who still have the Google Now Launcher installed on their phones can continue using the interface, however, they will not be able to download it again from the Google Play store if their device is ever deleted or restarted.

While the famous Pixel Launcher from Google remains exclusive to Pixel devices, it can be charged laterally on the latest phones.

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