Google’s Pixel 2 XL now $500 cheaper with Best Buy and Verizon discounts

We've seen some good deals on Google's Pixel and Pixel 2 phones over the years, but the latest offer from Verizon and Best Buy may be the best so far. At this time, you can buy a 64GB Pixel 2 XL of the pair for $ 350 effectively – yes, that's $ 500 of the retail price.

Of course, there are some warnings, conditions, a couple of quid pro quos. First, you must buy the Best Buy phone; second, you must use it in Verizon; and third, you must distribute the payments in a 24-month period. The "Instant Discount" from Best Buy has a $ 200 discount on the requested price and, in addition, you get a $ 12.50 bill credit from Verizon every month. All that and you only pay $ 350 for the real phone. (Hat tip for Droid Life to detect this.)

It is worth noting, however, that while the Pixel 2 was one of our favorite phones last year, the Pixel 2 ] XL had some problems There was a problem with image retention, where static UI elements such as buttons would appear semi-permanently on the screen as ghostly shadows. In response to the complaints, Google extended the XL warranty to two years and issued a software update that, according to them, solved some of the problems.

But, as we wrote last year: "Those promises are good, but they do not address other central problems on the screen: granularity and image retention that is clearly worse than normal." Is it habitable, since you will not notice the retention of the image, except in particular situations? Probably, but it's also something that you should be careful to enter. "

You can check our video review below for an overview of Pixel 2 and XL:

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