Facebook could beat Tinder just by getting users to meet in real life

Facebook today announced its idea of ​​a dating application. There is still much we do not know about how it will work, although we know that the platform will live within its official application and that users will be able to "unlock" events or individual groups of which they are members to watch possible matches. The company says in promotional material: "As in real life, the more active you are in the communities around you, the more opportunities you will have to meet incredible people"

This will be essential for the success of the dating application and I could position it to usurp Tinder as the dating app for young people. One of the biggest complaints I hear from my friends about dating apps is that they never seem to get over the hurdle of messaging to the meeting in person. They will amass tons of games, chat about an application, maybe they'll move to text, Snapchat or Instagram, and then … that's it. There is even some unofficial mathematics about how difficult it is to get together.

Tinder has come to to actually pay two users to meet in person after their exchanges went viral.

The company flew the paired couple to Maui for a first date. Really!

Obviously, this was a good RP for Tinder, but it addresses a real problem for the platform: getting users to coordinate the first dates. At this point, the Tinder pen pal has become a classic archetype. Messaging with coincidences has become entertainment by itself.

If the Facebook dating application ends up being like the current one, you can encourage people to confirm their attendance to events more frequently, to look for possible matches in guest lists. Sure, people could (and probably often do) bonds: who of us has not lost some Facebook events that we initially responded to as "Going"? – but at least now there is a more concrete common ground. (Although Facebook will have to work to help users avoid creepy coincidences that plan to go to the same event). Innumerable interactions on other platforms have failed specifically due to the lack of solid plans, and Facebook events could mitigate that problem with the development of options, be it a literary reading, a concert, a food festival or even a marathon. dance. Dating applications that outperform their competitors, after all, are what make people form real personal relationships, and they all start more or less in the same place: with a single IRL date.

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