April 2018 update for Windows 10 will be available to download later today

As of today, Windows 10 users will be able to download the free update of April 2018 for the operating system, with an official release to PCs around the world scheduled to begin on May 8, 2018. [19659002] Announced through a blog post by Microsoft's corporate vice president, Yusuf Mehdi, the update promises a host of new features, many of which are said to optimize your Windows experience and save you time while you work.

The new Timeline feature allows users to send their computers in up to 30 days to find missing files, documents or projects, which means they can return to what they were doing weeks ago in an instant through the states of automatic saving or by search.

Best of all, the Timeline feature will work on your iOS or Android devices while using Microsoft Edge or Office 365.

The new feature was also introduced with the update Focus Assistance, which will provide users with a detailed summary of what was lost while they were wasting time on social networks, including emails, notifications or updates.

Focus Assistance can be activated when necessary or set for specific times if you want to do some work without distractions.

Microsoft Edge has also been updated, and the browser receives a variety of new features, including the ability to mute (or activate) the use of individual tabs by simply clicking on the icon audio of the tab. It also has the ability to view books, PDFs and full-screen reading pages, autocomplete options in web payment forms and even a built-in grammar tool button to aid in reading comprehension.

If you wanted to take advantage of Cortana's voice assistant for Windows 10, you're lucky: the new dictation function of the update makes it easier to capture your thoughts quickly and accurately .

To start the dictation mode, place the cursor in a text field, then press Win + H and start talking, then watch your words appear on the screen.

Of course, these are just some of the new features configured to get to the latest Windows 10 update, with simplified IT management tools for business users, new creative features for Photos , 3D and Windows Mixed Reality and new security improvements also on the agenda.

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