Samsung is developing multiple VR-only TV series

Samsung has announced six new television series that are presenting their VR video service for their Gear VR, with a pilot episode of each available today.

The shows are the result of a select group of independent filmmakers who received a grant from Samsung to produce original virtual reality content. They were also given access to Samsung's 360 Round camera, although only one series (& Design) opted to use it.

You can consult the brief progress of the initiative (nicknamed Pilot season) below, which gives you an idea of ​​the different genres and themes that each of the six new series explores.

You can see the full description of each program on the Samsung page, but here is a condensed summary:

"& Design" (Rivalry between siblings and curious octopus ))

An original episodic series about design that will change the way we see the world. The series presents the design at its intersection with science, technology and anthropology, weaving a series of elements that link each episode with a universally humanistic theme.

"Bro Bots" (Room of rupture) [19659002] A series of comedies of science fiction with scripts in virtual reality, set in the city of New York of the future. Two British robots, Otis and Roberto, arrive in New York and join the NYPD. Otis acts as Downton Abbey's butler. Roberto is tough and tough, from the other side of the tracks. They are best friends.

"The interpretation of dreams" (Graham Sack & Sensorium)

In 1899, Sigmund Freud published his masterpiece, The Interpretation of Dreams, which shocked the world and forever changed our understanding of dreams and the unconscious mind. This series of episodic narrative fiction reimagines each of Freud's original case studies as visually immersed in luxury, psychologically complex and exciting visual dreams.

"Lightcatcher" (Occupied VR, RSA VR)

Earth is evolving and digesting our human footprint. Now humanity has a choice: stay or leave. Lightcatcher is an odyssey that revolves around the earth and its people in the year 2150. Lose yourself with five adventurers as they travel through unique environments: difficulties and enduring triumphs in the new world.

"Sam & Surreal Gems" (RSA VR, Hey Wonderful)

Set in a collection of real-world locations, this cool, fun VR series and irreverent challenges viewers to discover eight surreal and unexpected Easter eggs hidden in each episode. Sam's Surreal Gems is the antithesis of a far too familiar futuristic and fantastic VR, rather, this series will celebrate the really entertaining and wonderfully funny possibilities in the real world that already surrounds us.

"Voyages – Pilot" (Kaleidoscope)

A virtual reality animation that takes you on an epic journey from birth to death. Composed of six distinct movements, "Voyages – Pilot" guides you through the emotional arc of a whole life. Experience what it feels like to be born, grow, grow old and eventually die.

If you have a Samsung Gear VR, you can go to Oculus Store and find the free Samsung VR video service to download. Once downloaded, check out the Pilot Season in the Featured section of the service.

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