Is Alexa getting a big brother? Amazon is working on a secret home robot

Amazon is working on a home robot, which should not really surprise you when you think about it. Since its advance in the sale of books online when the World Wide Web was young (around the same time that Barnes & Noble and Borders were causing damage to small bookstores) Amazon has opened roads that other companies just took a look. [19659002] The latest? Amazon's Lab126 hardware research and development division in Sunnyvale, Calif., Is working on a domestic robot project codenamed "Vesta," Bloomberg Technology reported. Lab126 developed Amazon Echo, Fire TV, Fire Tablets and another electronic hardware product from Amazon.

A quick search on the Lab126 Jobs website shows that the division is currently looking for a software robotics engineer, robotics software development manager, top applied robotics scientist, and Robotics Software QA Manager among 10 positions for specialists in robotics.

According to "people informed about the plan", a tentative timeline includes early versions of robot in the homes of Lab126 employees by the end of 2018, with a possible release to the market in 2019.

"The Robot prototypes have advanced cameras and computer vision software and can navigate through homes like a car without a driver, "according to Bloomberg.

A robot could function as a central call and message service for family members, as well as help children with homework. With the right links, search techniques and Alexa Skills, a robot could serve as a continuous assistant providing step-by-step or background information while family members cook, work on budgets or finances, or plan parties, dates or vacations .

There may also be special-purpose domestic robots, including trained models for making wireless connections with all the computing, productivity, entertainment, and smart home electronics in the home and on the property to monitor the energy status or prevent or block the invasion Threats could also ensure that all devices have updated software and drivers, and that important data is backed up in the cloud.

Internet connectivity as an enabling infrastructure has been at the root of all successful Amazon companies. Low-cost Kindle e-book readers, Amazon Echo desktop voice aids and Amazon Fire TV smart TV dongles have Internet access. The Amazon Fire phone was a notable exception. He failed quickly.

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