What do you think Android P will be called?

It's never too early to start speculating about what Google is going to name the next version of Android. And with Google I / O in a few weeks, we thought it was a good enough moment to verify what everyone was thinking.

After posting our first look at the beta version for Android P developers last month, we got a lot of comments from people who speculate about the new name. Popular riddles included:

  • Pancake
  • Peppermint
  • Pie
  • Pineapple
  • Pistachio
  • Pizza
  • Popcorn
  • Potato
  • Potato
  • Pudding
  • Pumpkin [19659014] There were also some unique cases, such as Pop Rocks, Pringles, Pop-Tart and Pez.

    Since Android C received the name Cupcake in 2009, Google has named each new release of its operating system after some kind of sweet or dessert, moving to the next letter of the alphabet. The current version of Android is Oreo, so the next one is Android P.

    It's pretty safe to assume that many of those assumptions (Potato, Pizza) are jokes and definitely will not happen. But almost everything else is fair play. Pie is a good option; even allows some alliteration (Pumpkin Pie, Pecan Pie), although I guess Google will not want to go with "PP" for the initials of the new version.

    Popsicle is also a solid assumption, but in reality it is a brand, it is not a generic term. Google used brand names in the past, but I do not know if Popsicle is iconic enough to be worth it.

    Personally, I like Pop-Tart, assuming its generic use is allowed. I know that many coffee shops and bakeries sell their own pop-tarts, but it is definitely better known as a brand. My dad also sent me a text message to guess "panna cotta", which I like, and also to say that he had no idea what we were guessing.

    Android P is now available in beta for developers, and we will most likely learn about more features for the consumer at the Google I / O conference on May 8. It is around the time that we are likely to start seeing public betas appear too. Google generally does not announce a name for its operating system until its final public release is ready, recently in the fall, but has begun to provoke options in the past.

    So, what are you thinking? Let us know in the comments.

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