Apple users don

Apple CEO Tim Cook wants to politely crush any rumors that Apple's iOS and MacOS operating systems will merge into one at some time in the future. Speaking to The Sydney Morning Herald during Apple's Chicago New iPad for the educational event, Cook said he does not think users want to merge the two operating systems.

"So this merger that some people are obsessed with, I do not think that's what the users want," Cook said. He also alluded to the fact that, although the merger would make the company more efficient, it would be at the expense of the lost characteristics designed solely for the hardware involved.

At the beginning of the interview, Cook revealed that he continues to use a Mac to work in the offices of Apple, but uses the iPad at home and on the road. According to other comments, Cook is firm in his position, one that goes against recent rumors that iOS applications will find their way into macOS devices.

"We do not believe in the type of irrigation for each other, both [The Mac and iPad] are incredible," Cook said. "One of the reasons why both are incredible is because we press them to do what they do And if you start merging the two … you start making concessions and compromises. "

Do not hold your breath for iOS applications on the Mac

Apple seems very clearly against the idea of ​​bringing too many elements from any of its main operating systems to the others, focusing instead on how they connect through services and tools. Again, this is directly contradictory to rumors that anonymous sources reveal plans to put iOS applications into a working capacity in macOS through an initiative called & # 39; Project Marzipan. & # 39;

A move like this would be nprecedented for Apple, hence the palpable emotion around the prospect. It would bring the company closer to the philosophies of its rivals in terms of its Operating Systems, with Windows 10 being a multi-device operating system by design and Chrome OS assuming the wholesale Google Play application store for Android, with Chromebooks with touchscreen fully support.

However, Apple is always the one most likely to go against the grain, and now it seems to have ruled out any notion that iOS or MacOS applications will appear in their respective sister operating systems.

However, as The Sydney Morning Herald points out, this does not necessarily mean that Bloomberg's previous reports on Marzipan are completely inaccurate. Seeing iOS apps on macOS is a great leap of development tools to share iOS and MacOS.

In any case, it seems that Cook wants to make Apple's position crystal clear. No matter what happens, Apple is not interested in having its operating system merge with the other or work like the other: Macs will remain Mac and iPhones will continue to be iPhones.

  • This is what we want to see macOS 10.14 … including iOS applications

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