YouTuber Mars Argo is suing Poppy’s creator for ‘severe’ abuse, ripping off her persona

YouTuber Mars Argo is suing Internet musician and person Poppy and its creator, Titanic Sinclair, also known as Corey Mixter. In court documents obtained by The Verge Mars Argo, whose real name is Brittany Sheets, alleges that in addition to suffering "serious emotional and psychological abuse and manipulation of Mr. Mixter", he also created a "copy of Mars Argo "" In the form of Poppy, Sheets is also seeking a restraining order for domestic violence against Mixter, as well as damages against the actress of Poppy Moriah Pereira "for being an accomplice aware of the illegal actions of Mr. Mixter."

Poppy's first video, "Poppy Eats Cotton Candy" was released in November 2014, the same year that the sheets and the mixer were split, and since then, Poppy has accumulated a large following online for its mysterious personality and Strange videos The YouTube pilot Red I & # 39; m Poppy premiered at Sundance earlier this year, while Poppy herself has inspired a wide range of conspiracy theories and ad uladores profiles dedicated to his mystic.

Through photos, text screenshots and more, the lawsuit alleges that Sheets endured the abuse both during and after their relationship. After they separated in January 2014, Mixter "began harassing, harassing, threatening and repeatedly abusing Mrs. Sheets, which included, but was not limited to, threatened to commit suicide, appeared without warning at the door of Sheets Sheets, breaking into her apartment, stalking each of her movements on social networks, disparaging her by mutual friends, acquaintances or others in the industry, and even physically assaulting her "

A comparison presented in the lawsuit

In addition to pointing out similarities between the format and appearance of the Mars Argo and Poppy videos, the lawsuit also says that Mixter "copied the identity, resemblance, expression of ideas, sound and style of Mars Argo", among others; As part of her role as Poppy, Pereira "dyed her hair with a specific platinum blonde and, in the character of Poppy, began to alter her voice to be a higher tone to imitate the distinctive voice of Mars Argo." Publicly, Mixter has claimed to have " invented" Mars Argo; The document also alleges that Leaves was called "a complete madman", "evil" and "a compulsive liar", among other derogatory comments.

The day the lawsuit was filed, Sheets posted a long statement on his Twitter. "I hope this makes me feel better, I feel safe and feel that I can be myself again," he concluded.

Ni Poppy ni Mixter have released a public statement yet.

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