Nintendo’s mobile Animal Crossing keeps getting better

When Nintendo first released Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp on mobile last November, I was interested. However, the game felt somewhat light by the standards of Animal Crossing. It lacked the open nature of previous games, and it really did not offer much to do. But there is something about the relaxed and tranquil nature of the series that makes it ideal for smartphones. It's a mini escape that you can take out when you need it. For me, this type of mobile games have historically become an ephemeral habit, something I play daily for a few weeks before burning myself. But that has not happened with Pocket Camp. Instead, the game has continued to grow and improve. Months later, I still can not quit.

The core of the game was always solid and pleasant. Pocket Camp offers a small portion of camping to decorate as you want, and surrounds you with animals so you can make friends and run errands. You can progress at your own pace, and the game has a charm that makes it incredibly attractive. It is very relaxing to simply spend five minutes fishing or watering plants.

In recent months, Nintendo has built on that foundation with new features and content. There were some huge changes (at least for Animal Crossing). Now you can create your own clothes, grow a garden and exchange furniture with a confused seagull. These are some of my favorite parts of the game, and none was available at the launch. There have also been multiple improvements in the quality of life: the enthusiastic fans of the game really got excited when you were able to place two rugs in your camp, as well as the expected flow of new characters, furniture, and clothes.

However, the feature that attracts me the most is that of limited time events. My favorite so far was a fishing tournament, where (finally!) They were able to obtain fish tanks in which to show some of their catch. But there have also been gardening contests, where you need to plant certain flowers to attract special insects and themed events where you can unlock rare items. Recently, two of these events happened simultaneously: I found myself playing several times a day to be able to gather both Super Mario and Alice in Wonderland as many thematic articles as possible. [19659006] These types of updates are not exclusive to Animal Crossing of course. Mobile games and other service-oriented experiences like Fortnite are constantly updated so that people return regularly. What makes Pocket Camp stand out is the frequency and quality of its updates. There seems to be a new event every two weeks, and for the most part, I've enjoyed each one of them. In the same way, although I play regularly, it seems that there is always something else beside me to build. I just installed a pool in my camp, after months of work, and it is likely to take a while before I managed to build a large sanctuary to attract my

red character Animal Crossing long-standing . ] Pocket Camp is not yet a complete game Animal Crossing. It is an optimized version of the franchise, created for fast games on a phone. But with each passing day, it becomes closer to that ideal. With this type of daily games, I often find myself playing more out of habit than pleasure; It's something I do, instead of something I love. That has not been the case with Pocket Camp. Instead, I hope to see him every day. As I write this, there is a new fortune cookie store in the game, where eating a cookie can somehow unlock items like a rocket or a pop star. I'm not even sure where I'm going to put a rocket, but I'm going to keep playing to find out.

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