A new teaser for Solo: A Star Wars Story explores the early days of Han’s friendship with Chewie

Lucasfilm has released a new breakthrough for his next movie Solo: A Star Wars Story that shows a little more of the early days of Han Solo and his friendship with Chewbacca.

We have already seen a couple of breakthroughs for the film, which show a bit of the criminal underworld of the universe, as well as the wild and western environment of the film. This new advance is short, but it shows a bit more of the film's titular hero, Han Solo. There's a bit more of the train theft we've seen in the other trailers, and a little more of the Han and Chewie interactions, even when Han first discovers Chewie's name.

This certainly establishes a movie that helps establish the character's relationship in the new Star Wars canon. In the Expanded Universe now decanonized, Han had saved Chewie from imperial slavery, and as a result was quickly expelled from the Empire. This new preview shows a bit more of that relationship, causing Han's first meeting with the Wookie, along with other interactions that indicate that they are establishing the deep friendship that the two characters share when we see them in A New Hope.

The relationship between Han and Chewie is something that the film will need to be successful: it is the cornerstone of the original trilogy and is an integral part of the most beloved characters. Only already has many things against it, especially with the film's well-documented production problems.

Solo: A Star Wars Story hits theaters on May 25.

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