The best keyboards for Android will have you texting faster than a 13-year-old

Sometimes, the keyboard application that comes with the phone simply does not work. Fortunately, there are thousands of alternatives to choose from in the Google Play Store, with fun themes, new features and support for other languages. It is also important to know the risks of keystroke loggers and other types of malware when using a third-party input device, which is why Apple resisted third-party keyboard support for so long. However, nowadays, a third party's keyboard feels like a need to keep up with the latest features such as stickers, emojis, predictive text writing and more.

That's where we enter. We went ahead and did the research to find the best Android keyboards that not only offer great features and look great, but also have a strong history of user safety and strong privacy policies so you can rest easy when typing. If you decide to use an unknown or new keyboard application, we also include precautions you must take into account to protect your information, not only for keyboard applications, but also for Google Play Store applications and more.

The best keyboard applications

Gboard (free)

Julian Chokkattu / Digital Trends

Not the most striking of the group, but if you want top-notch Android and Google integration, and a guarantee of privacy, can not fail with Google's own lightweight keyboard. Depending on your device, this may be the standard keyboard already. The keyboard offers a lot of language support, and if you're running Android 4.4 or later, it also gets built-in emoji support for hundreds of useful symbols and emoticons. You can slide your finger around the keyboard to type, but the main attraction is the ability to ask Google anything without having to leave a conversation: simply tap the Google icon to search the web. There are many customization options, such as adding a number row and other additional features, such as a one-hand mode and voice input. Since it is developed by Google, you know that there is no need to worry about malware, adware or anything nasty in this application. Your personal dictionary is linked to your Google account, so you can have it ready for any device that Gboard installs.

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Google Play

SwiftKey (free)

SwiftKey Best Keyboards for Android
SwiftKey has a high rating in the Google Play Store, and its loyal legions will boast of its high rates of precision and emoji predictive. It also allows you to easily switch between languages ​​in the middle of the sentence, which is ideal for bilingual people. SwiftKey has a strong privacy policy that carefully differentiates between data to help the keyboard learn your writing habits while protecting sensitive data, such as login information and credit cards. Leave the control of that data in your hands, which allows you to easily opt for cloud services or eliminate your information. It also offers tons of themes and other features.

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Google Play

keyboard ai.type ($ 4)


Like many other higher keyboards, the ai.type keyboard has the following word prediction and completion, autocorrection and emojis suggested automatically. You can also customize it with colors, fonts and backgrounds, and you can edit the keyboard layout. It adapts to your writing style as you learn by the way you write. It supports many languages ​​and offers a very useful upper row that you can use to write numbers, emojis or punctuation without having to change from the main keyboard screen. If you hesitate to drop $ 4 on a keyboard, then you can also try the free version and see if it's worth the cash.

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Google Play

Multilingual Keyboard O (Free)


This keyboard is a must for our international readers who have difficulty obtaining third-party keyboards compatible with their native language. Multiling O Keyboard supports more than 200 languages. It allows you to choose the design and appearance of the keyboard. It also supports sliding and emoji. It offers four and five row designs, and you can also switch between QWERTY, DVORAK, AZERTY or even design your own design.

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Google Play

Fleksy (free) [19659025] The best Fleksy keyboard keyboards for Android “/>
The Fleksy keyboard was used to set the world record for the fastest text messages two times, so if yours are the quick response times and the personalization of the speed, this is the keyboard for you. It is also free and does not come with any annoying adware. Instead of swiping or drawing the letters, you will play as you used to and use gestures to eliminate words or select autocorrect options. You can reduce or grow the keyboard according to your needs, as well as change colors and design. Fleksy's privacy policy is also solid and clearly describes what information the keyboard can see. It even allows you to choose any program that is uncomfortable.

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Google Play

TouchPal (free)

TouchPal Best Keyboards for Android
TouchPal has also been around for almost 10 years and its status as a long-running application ensures a solid security and privacy policy. The free app also features voice recognition, emojis, stickers, one-touch writing and other clever tricks. Handles add-ons through an internal store, which also includes a miniature app store for advertising purposes. He even has his own artificially intelligent assistant. However, you should be careful since the application is full of full-screen ads if you do not make an annual subscription ($ 5). At least it does not include any adware or other applications that take over your device.

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Google Play

Minuum ($ 4)

Minuum Best Keyboards for Android

The most important feature of Minuum is its focus on being small. The Minuum keyboard condenses to depend more on self-correction and decipher the word you are writing. It is especially useful if you have small devices with a 4-inch screen or smaller. As long as ownership of the screen is especially valuable, this is the keyboard you need. You can adjust the size of the keyboard, condensing additional rows of letters into small sections, similar to the way numeric keyboards put several letters on each key. The interface is so efficient that it even works with smart watches. Minuum has a comprehensive privacy policy that allows you to contribute use data anonymously or save it for you.

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Google Play

Microsoft Keyboard for Excel (free)

best keyboards for Android Excel

Here's something a little more niche. Avoiding the current trend of eye-catching additions, Microsoft's Keyboard for Excel is just that: a keyboard that focuses on making the use of Excel in phones much easier. Optimized for the entry of numbers, and lacking features such as autocorrection and gestures, the description admits that it is an experimental keyboard, created by the experimental garage division of Microsoft. Definitely not something you can stay with if you do not work a lot, but if you do, this could be the keyboard you install.

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Google Play [19659011] Chrooma Keyboard (free)

Chrooma Keyboard with the best keyboards for Android
Looking for a free, light and easy-to-use keyboard with one-touch typing I touched? Chrooma Keyboard has it covered. It is a fast, simple and simple keyboard with a colorful touch. No matter the application you are writing, Chrooma combines it with a great aesthetic, Google style, which guarantees an elegant way of writing. It also has a built-in GIF keyboard, multilingual support and a one-hand mode.

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Google Play

Hacker keyboard (free)

<img src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAIAAAAAAAP /// yH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAABAAEAAAIBRAA7" data-dt-lazy-src = "×720.jpg?ver=1.jpg" onerror = "dti_load_error (this)" class = "aligncenter wp-image-964455 size-large dt-lazy-load dt-lazy-pending "alt =" Hacker keyboard with the best keyboards for Android [19659013] Have you ever tried to remotely access a computer or Linux terminal from your Android device? You may notice how many problems is trying to enter commands like Ctrl-Alt-Delete without all the different keys on a typical PC keyboard.Despite the threatening name, Hacker's Keyboard gives you an easy way to enter all the complicated commands from your device Android emulating the same keyboard you have on your desktop, it is especially useful when you try to use Alt, d keys and arrow or function keys that you would not otherwise have access to, and it's a must for anyone who uses TeamViewer or a terminal emulator.

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Google Play

Security Concerns

Some keyboard applications present security threats to your device, so be careful which ones you download. One of the easiest ways to avoid any malware is to stick to the Google Play Store. Side-loading applications that you get elsewhere can be great for enabling features you might not find on other sites, but these programs are not checked by Google for malware or viruses. If you are not completely sure of the origins of an application, giving it permission to access your device is a big mistake. And if you accidentally downloaded malware, check out our guide to remove malware on Android.

In the Google Play Store, you can also see how many times an application has been downloaded, as well as the reviews that other users have made. dice. An application with millions of downloads and good reviews is probably safe, especially if you've been in the app store for a while, but an application with only a few thousand downloads and negative reviews should mostly be investigated carefully.

Applications installed from Google Play require authorization to access some or all of your data. This step is an easy way to identify which applications may take more than they want you to create. While it is normal for a messaging application to need access to its SMS capabilities and contact book, that flashlight application probably does not need that same information, and will almost certainly use it for advertising or another suspicious business.

With keyboards, an easy way to know if the application is not good is to see if it requests network connectivity. Unless you specifically configure a service such as SwiftKey's cloud-based backup, or your free keyboard uses banner ads instead of costing the user money, a keyboard should not need to connect to the Internet for any reason. This is an alert signal that is trying to send your information to a server remotely.

There is also more to worry about besides security and privacy concerns. Many of your favorite keyboard applications (such as Flash Keyboard) install very annoying adware and third-party applications along with the experience of your keyboard application. This is often the case with free keyboard applications and requires careful reading when you install and configure everything, otherwise you will have a new and annoying lock screen or ads in your notification bar to deal with.

Searching for more applications for your Android phone? Check out our list of the best apps on Android. And that discussion about staying safe aroused your curiosity about protection? Our guides on the best Android security applications and the best Android virtual private networks should be up to the task.

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