Help Me, Laptop: I Want Something Custom

When we review laptops, they usually come from companies you've heard of: Dell, Asus, HP, MSI, Lenovo, etc. And, generally, those are preconfigured machines. But some people have the need, the desire or the money to burn in something exclusively theirs. That's where a custom machine comes into play. This week, the reader umbrellacorp89 asked about that type of laptop.

help me laptop i want something custom
There are two ways to do it. You can opt for boutique brands, which will allow you to customize every aspect of your laptop, or buy from other companies that offer more personalization options than others for existing computers.

The elegant route is to resort to a designer of boutiques. You can try something like Maingear, Origin PC, CyberPowerPC or Falcon Northwest, which allow you to choose your own colors, RAM, storage options and accessories (and, to a lesser extent, CPU and GPU). These laptops are usually from a company like Clevo, which sells chassis to other companies to use on their laptops. These machines also tend to be portable for games and cost a lot.

But umbrellacorp89 also said that they wanted something less than $ 1,000, with a 1080p screen and at least a 256 GB SSD. That's a problem, because a custom laptop from one of those boutique firms will often cost well over $ 1,000. The only exception I found was if you get something with a weaker GPU, like an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti. The reader said that they play World of Warcraft and Diablo III, which are not intense games, but added that they also wanted something "future proof". During my time browsing the CyberPowerPC website, I found some models with 1050 Ti or 1060, but they had less storage space than what umbrellacorp89 would like.

MORE: Which GPU is right for you?

The alternative is to go with a more established brand. Both Dell and HP often have quite solid personalization options. Unfortunately, as I write this, the company's new entry-level laptops, the Dell G series and HP Pavilion Gaming, are still being stored in the companies' online stores and are not yet available for purchase. But our reader can get a computer within his budget in that way. Think it is a little personalized.

But if you do not care about colors or prestige, you can choose from many of the best laptops, games or other types of popular companies. When you buy customs, always be sure to check the warranty and weigh the benefits of the customization options offered by the company.

Credit: Laptop Mag

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Author Bio
Andrew E. Freedman

Andrew E. Freedman,
Andrew joined in 2015, reviewing computers and keeping up to date with the latest news. He has an M.S. in Journalism (Digital Media) from Columbia University. Lover of everything related to games and technology, his previous work has appeared in Kotaku, PCMag and Complex, among others. Follow him on Twitter @FreedmanAE.
Andrew E. Freedman,

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