How to disable Windows Defender on Windows 10

Windows Defender is your computer's primary protection system. The disadvantage of Windows Defender is that the program only protects on average, not as professional as third-party software. Perhaps this is the reason why users want to disable this program to increase the security and safety of their computer while installing and using antivirus software. Here's how to turn off Windows Defender:

Method 1: Install third-party antivirus software on your device

Windows Defender is set to detect other devices. Antivirus software is automatically disabled to avoid crashes on your computer. Only Windows Defender Firewall works on computers instead.

If you uninstall your antivirus software, Windows Defender will be reactivated automatically in this way. You are quite convenient. To turn it off permanently, see the next method below.

Method 2: You can temporarily disable [1959007] [1959007] . Windows Defender By Settings

To temporarily disable Windows Defender, follow these steps:

  1. From the taskbar
  2. Home tab => Double-click the Windows Defender icon from Viruses and Threats . Protection => Virus and Threat Protection Settings
  3. Optional Toggles real-time protection status OFF.

Method 3: You can enable Windows Defender Antivirus using Local Group Policy

Local if you are using a different version, such as Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise or Education You can use the Group Policy Editor to completely disable Windows Defender on your computer.

  1. Press the Windows + R key combination to open the Run Command window.
  2. Enter gpedit.msc in the Run command window and press Enter or click OK to open the Local Group Policy Editor. window.
  3. Navigate to the following key in the Local Group Policy Editor window.
    Computer Configuration => Administrative Templates => Windows Components s => Windows Defender Windows Defender Antivirus with Local Group Policy Disable
  4. Enable Select to disable Windows Defender.
  5. Apply => Click OK . Disable Windows Defender If you notice after completing step

you still see the Windows Defender icon in the system tray. To remove this icon, simply restart your computer.

Follow the same steps to reactivate Windows Defenderselect the Not Configured option in step 5, and then restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

Method 4: Disable Windows Defender Antivirus If you use Windows 10 Home in the Registry Editor, you cannot access the Local Group Policy Editor. However, you can disable Windows Defender using the registry.

Note : You should create a registry backup to avoid the worst case before you perform the following steps. To back up, file => export… Open to create a backup registry file. To recover file => import…. Open and go back. Raise and restore the file. Press

  1. Windows + R to open the Run window, then type Regedit and type Enter. Open the registry (or click OK). In the registry window, navigate to the key
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftWindows Defender
  2. . If you do not have DWORD DisableAntiSpyware, right-click. Select an empty space and then select New => DWORD (32-bit) Value.
  3. This new key is named AntiSpyware.
  4. You double-click the new key you just created and set the value of the value data frame from 0 to 1. Windows Defender Antivirus Registry Editor

In the last step you just need to reboot your computer and enjoy the results. In this case, if you want to turn Windows Defender back on, just access it in the same order as above. Change the value of the key from 0 to 1.

You can choose how to turn off Windows Defender properly, depending on your computer usage habits. However, Windows Defender is not a powerful antivirus. Regularly updating Windows using Windows Defender is also a good way to protect your computer from threats.

tag: How to disable Windows Defender, how to temporarily disable Windows Defender, disable Windows Defender Windows 10 Home and disable Windows Defender Antivirus.

How to disable Windows Defender in Windows 10 first appeared in the free product key.

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