Easy Way to Protect WordPress Admin Area

WordPress is a content management website where an administrator manages a WordPress site while the content editor processes the content portion and the subscriber manages the profile portion of the site. However, WordPress offers many features such as Adsy to the user, but every coin has two sides. Most important How to Fix WordPress Posts Returning 404 Error easily.

Yes! There is a threat to the WordPress site. Since WordPress is open source, it means that everyone contributes to the addition or upgrade, which can lead to security breaches, as amateurs are likely to process additional parts.

Previous experience in creating a website has the opportunity to create a website, so users may not know exactly what they are doing on websites and threats that a particular user’s website is a lure to hackers.

Promiscuous Attack: Promiscuous Attack is a hit-and-try method where a hacker tries all possible user names or passwords.

WordPress is a set of code in the PHP language, so if you fail, brute force attack. Another option with a hacker is to The file is included.
When embedding files, hackers use vulnerable code to help gain access. He uses this code to remotely load the file to access the user’s website.

Inserting into SQL: As in the background, WordPress uses MySQL as the database, so in this case the hacker gains access to the desired user’s site database. Including links to malicious sites can add new values ​​to the database that could be malicious sites.

Malicious code: Malware = Malicious + Software This code is often used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to your computer or site.

What causes the vulnerability?
The most common causes of Web site or WordPress administrative areas are:

Small password usage: While creating a recommendation for a new identity often uses a longer password, Because passwords can eventually take longer, it is quite difficult to decipher long passwords with indiscriminate attacks. Small and weak passwords are easy and time consuming.

No regular updates You can attack using older themes or plugins. As with the new version, new security features help prevent new attacks.

Depends on untrusted sources: Not only code, but also unsafe, mismanaged or outdated sources send a clear signal to the attacker. This site is ready to be hacked because it may contain malware that can easily hack into the hacker’s eyes when downloading the theme of untrusted sources and hacking the site.

Using Shared Hosting: Shared hosting introduces a hacker instead of attacking the user’s administrative realm. As with shared hosting, multiple websites are stored on a single server. Thus, once a hacker gains access to a site, hackers can easily access other websites. Therefore, when a hacker accesses your friend’s site, you are equally vulnerable to hackers hacking.

Using Application Firewall: The Web Site Application Firewall is like a Windows Firewall that monitors incoming and outgoing traffic and blocks suspicious requests.

Use strong passwords: This is because these strong passwords can prevent arbitrary attempts by hackers on your website.
Because it is not easy to decrypt with special characters, it is recommended to use special characters in passwords.

Enable 2-step verification: G Mail WordPress also offers 2-step verification whenever you use 6-step verification.

limit number of attempts: If the user code is sent to the user’s mail ID or phone number and the user enters the user name and password only after the user is granted access, There are plugins to help you set the number of attempts. For example, if a user attempts to enter a password in a user account after setting up three attempts and then type the password more than three times, the user is prevented from attempting to add an illegal user.

Strict permission settings: Set all permissions on who can read and change which directories / files / content on your website, and where on your website you can access. site. [19659002] Run regular inspections: When you run regular inspections, you will get reports on all sorts of threats that might hinder the normal functioning of your website.

Restrict access to IP: IP addresses can help the administrator area from attacks. It may be illegal because there are few IP addresses that appear to be legitimate. As a result, administrators should limit the number of trusted users, not users who can expand.

Hint removed: “It was my first school”, “What is your mother’s date of birth?” They come with security questions. He can use these hints to successfully log in to his site, just as a user forgot his password, but he acts as a threat that an attacker can use to guess their location and guess their username and password.

Creating a backup plan: If an attacker can access a database on WordPress or your site, you should always have a backup that can handle this situation. You should set up a scheduled backup, transfer it offsite, and back up it to a remote backup location too safely. You should also have the ability to restore your backups when you need them.

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