8 Responsive Web Design Blunders You Must Avoid

According to Jared Spool, an American software and design expert: “Intuitive design is a way to give users new superpowers.”

Nowadays, developing a website is not enough To create an intuitive design. Experienced, responsive web design companies are more important to today’s entrepreneurs.

But building an ideal responsive web design is not easy. So let’s look at eight web design mistakes that should be avoided rather than continuing unnecessarily. Otherwise, the website will not function as expected.

  1. Lack of user research

To start the design process properly, you must first conduct extensive user research and analyze behavior patterns. . This analysis is important in terms of getting answers to questions such as the devices that end customers use to access the web, and the conversion speed of other devices.

This will give you a good insight into your audience. Read your & # 39; profile to understand pain scores. This study should be done on a regular basis as it will help us continue to optimize and improve our website for our clients.

  1. Launching desktop version

Most entrepreneurs have started building desktop versions. Their website first. However, it is better to create a small mobile screen first, then enlarge the screen for other devices.

One of the main advantages of starting to design a small screen is getting the opportunity to develop the best screen. Experience for mobile users. This approach also makes it easy to design sites for desktop and mobile.

  1. Lack of adequate testing

Testing is essential before launching responsive websites in the marketplace. However, these sites are released with minimal testing. This is mainly due to the limited resources available to business owners. They just want to create a responsive website and get started as soon as possible.

It’s a good idea to test your site’s main user flow in your default browser, such as Explorer, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox. You should also check on major operating systems such as Windows and Mac OS. There are a variety of automated testing tools available in markets such as Viewport Resizer and BrowserStack for efficient performance.

  1. Web pages that load forever

All design elements such as buttons, text, and images must be placed. How to avoid impacting website loading time. Mobile users want quick results, so testing endurance levels on sites that are permanently loaded is not recommended.
If you need to add content to your page, break it into separate tabs. For example, you can only place an image, price, and purchase option for an item on a product page. Other elements such as product-related videos and customer reviews can be placed in separate tabs. Major product pages are lightweight and load quickly.

Various tools have been released that can be used to compress the size of resource files to reduce download times. Two of these popular tools are JSCompress and Uglify.

You can help build a responsive website with the help of other website builders available in the market. Weebly, Wix, WordPress, and Squarespace are some of the most popular.

  1. Small call-to-action button

You can not put everything on a small mobile screen, but often entrepreneurs make the call-to-action button too small. This button is so small that the user must click the button to zoom in, but most will click the wrong button.

In these scenarios, users are annoyed and give up on websites. Laptops nowadays have a touch screen. Therefore, you must design the interface and deploy the gesture. Also, be sure to size the call-to-action button appropriately so that users can easily click on it.

  1. Hiding content for mobile users

Many sites hid content for mobile users to reduce page size. . However, it is not recommended that users restrict their experience by accessing multiple devices and hiding content for website navigation. The solution to this problem is to develop a new, clean layout that does not contain unnecessary information. This will make your mobile site load faster.

  1. Unresponsive images

A responsive website adjusts the resolution of an image based on the user’s device. In this case, one size principle is not enough. With a few tools available on the market, you can automatically reduce the size of your image to fit your device.

For example, a fluid image is a CSS technique that renders an image correctly by relative scaling. It is not a pixel dimension. There are various WordPress plugins that accept responsive images. “Pictures” is also one of the fastest growing HTML5 elements that can provide the right image for each device.

  1. Unanswered email

We found that your site is responding to desktops and smartphones. However, related emails are not responding enough. This makes it difficult for users to search the list of recommended products and search by e-mail before reviewing the order details or actually completing the purchased product.

E-mail should be one of the most important aspects of responsive design and testing process. Keep them bright, avoid unnecessary details, and include only relevant information.

Creating a responsive website is a big challenge for entrepreneurs and designers. It requires a careful thought process and a flexible approach. If they are built successfully, responsive websites can help you expand your business and connect with customers around the world.

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