Consumers spent $329M on the top 10 subscription video apps last quarter

Last year, the best subscription video applications such as Netflix and Hulu accumulated $ 781 million combined, and that trend shows no signs of slowing down in 2018. In the third quarter of 2018, consumers in the United States spent approximately $ 329 million in Top 10 video on demand subscription applications in App Store and Google Play, a figure that represents 15 percent of the $ 285 million spent in the first quarter.

The data is the latest in a new report from the Sensor Intelligence application intelligence firm. , which has been following the growth of subscription video applications for some time. Last year, for example, he discovered that the Netflix application topped the lists in terms of revenue, compared to all other applications that are not games in the market.

Netflix has not fallen from its highest position, the new data shows In fact, it continues to grow.

The application generated an estimated $ 132 million in consumer spending in app stores in the third quarter, representing a 78 percent increase from the $ 74 million spent in the third quarter of 2017. [19659002]

However, Hulu is now growing faster, according to the report. Subscription revenue increased 86 percent to $ 39 million, compared to $ 21 million the previous year.

It seems that some consumers may have moved to Hulu thanks to the extra money they had available, thanks to the cancellation of their HBO subscription.

The only subscription video application that saw a decrease in revenue in the third quarter was HBO NOW, which raised $ 41 million in the quarter, 40 percent less than the $ 68 million in the third quarter of 2017. But noticeably absent this quarter was the network's biggest draw, "Game of Thrones," which had aired this time last year. A fall was expected.

The highest grossing chart of these subscription video applications for the third quarter of 2018 looks very similar to last year in terms of the included applications, and sometimes, even their ranking.

But two services made moves, the report says.

consumers spent 329m on the top 10 subscription video apps last quarter

YouTube TV jumped from $ 3 million in the prior-year quarter to $ 16 million in the third quarter in Apple's App Store, thanks to its expansion in the market and adoption by the consumers. And ESPN Live Sports, which added subscriptions to the application in the second quarter, raised $ 4.6 million in the third quarter, up 119 percent from the second quarter.

Even CBS is doing well, despite the fact that not everyone loves the new "Star Trek". "

Still, it seems that CBS made a good move betting on fans' devotion to the franchise, as US consumers spent $ 6 million on the application in the third quarter of 2018, 50 percent more than the $ 4 million spent in the third quarter of 2017. [19659002] Report data includes only subscription revenue, not refunds or advertising revenue in the application, Tower Tower notes.

The large increase in Consumer spending on these video applications is another example of the important and growing subscription business, many of which takes place on the mobile.The subscriptions represented $ 10.6 billion in consumer spending in the App Store in 2017 , and are ready to grow to $ 75.7 billion by 2022, according to a previous report.

However, the main subscription applications are not all video applications. that consistently have a high rank in the US UU They include Tinder, Spotify and Pandora, for example. Currently, the highest collection table in the App Store includes several games that are not games, such as Netflix (# 1), YouTube (# 2), Tinder (# 3), Pandora (# 4), Hulu (# 7) and Bumble (# 8).

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