Ava DuVernay to Make a Documentary about Prince for Netflix

Ava DuVernay is partnering with Netflix again.

The Oscar-winning, eight-time Grammy winner is making a documentary about the iconic singer Prince. The documentary is not the first musical feature of DuVernay. He made his big screen debut in 2008 with This Is the Life which narrates the alternative hip-hop scene in Los Angeles in the 1990s.

"Prince was a genius and a joy and a shock to the senses, "said the filmmaker at Deadline. "He was like no other, he broke every preconceived notion, broke all boundaries, shared everything he had in his heart through his music, the only way I know how to make this film is with love. I am honored to do so and grateful for the opportunity the farm entrusted to me. "

According to Variety, the project has the full cooperation of the artist's heritage, which means that DuVernay will have access to exclusive and never before seen materials. The estate has granted the filmmaker full access to the archival images of the musician, photos, interviews and unpublished recordings.

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