Uber back in court in UK to argue against workers rights for drivers

Uber returns to court in the United Kingdom today and tomorrow to try to overturn a two-year sentence in the employment tribunal that judged a group of Uber drivers as workers, which means they are entitled to workers' benefits such as vacation pay, paid breaks and the national minimum wage.

Uber lost his first appeal against the ruling last year, but has said he will continue to appeal.

On Sunday, the GMB Union estimated that Uber drivers in the United Kingdom

In a statement, Sue Harris, legal director of GMB, said: "These figures highlight the human cost of Uber still refusing to accept the court ruling While the company is losing money losing appeal after appeal, its drivers spend up to £ 18,000 out of pocket only in the last two years.

"That's thousands of drivers struggling to pay their rent It is time for Uber to admit the defeat and pay, the company must stop spending money by dragging its lost cause through the courts, instead, Uber should do the right thing and give the drivers the rights they those courts have already said they are legally entitled. "

Uber has previously suggested that it would cost his UK company" tens of millions "of pounds if he reclassified the 5 0,000 drivers & # 39; self-employed & # 39; that operate on your platform as Limb workers (b) – an existing job classification that is located between & # 39; self-employed & # 39; and & # 39; worker & # 39;

The GMB Union points out that in the last accounts of Uber London, launched last week, it warns shareholders that it faces " numerous legal and regulatory risks", both related to existing regulations and the development of new regulations, as well as as a result of "claims and litigation" related to their classification of drivers as independent contractors.

This year, the UK government has indicated a high level of intention to reinforce the rights of more types of workers.

In February he announced a package The age of labor market reforms was intended to respond to changes in labor patterns, saying that it would expand workers' rights for millions of workers and promote more stringent enforcement.

Although the consultation on the subject continues, to shape the detail of its response, the Uber litigation will probably feed the government's thinking given the moment of the case.

This month, Uber drivers in the UK staged a one-day strike for pay and conditions, putting more pressure on the issue and asking the company to do so immediately. apply the judgment of the court and implement conditions of employment that respect the rights of workers for drivers.

Uber responded by noting the changes he has made since the original court ruling, including the expansion of a free insurance product he now offers to drivers and couriers across Europe. 19659002] He also claims to have changed the way he receives comments from drivers, and he made a series of adjustments to his application that he claims help drivers access data waiting to increase their earnings.

We contacted Uber to comment on the last stage of his appeal.

The Union of Independent Workers of Great Britain (IWGB), which defends the court's trial at hearings This week, endorsing former drivers and claimants of Uber Yaseen Aslam and James Farrar, who filed the original case , organized a rally to coincide with the audience.

He says he expects hundreds of "precarious workers" that is, people who work in the so-called "concert economy": they march through London in solidarity with the drivers and demand an end to all work that undermines the rights of workers.

The march is also being supported by the United Left. political organization Momentum, the Union of Workers of Communications, War On Want, Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union and United Voices of the World, among others.

A side event is held in Glasgow to coincide with the audience.

Comment In a statement, the president of the branch of IWGB United Private Hire Drivers and the co-plaintiff of the Uber case, Farrar, said: "Two years ago we beat Uber in the Employment Tribunal, however, the minicab drivers across the UK are still waiting for justice, while Uber is running out of endless appeals As the government ignores this growing crisis, workers have been left to fix this broken system and make dishonest bosses accountable. something gives me hope, it is the rising tide of precarious workers who organize and demand fair treatment. "

IWGB General Secretary Jason Moyer Lee added: "Precarious workers are being beaten in this country, protest is the articulation of the legitimate complaint of those who are denied the basic rights and dignities in the country. work that we should all take for granted. "

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