Safe/ Normal GPU Temp While Gaming – Softlay

Is your GPU temperature higher than it used to be? Are you listening to the strange sound of a GPU fan? If so, you may want to check the temperature of the GPU! After all, overheating the GPU is the main cause of modern hardware failure. The high temperature of the GPU can also drastically reduce the life of your device.

If you ignore taking the appropriate measures, then you will be afraid of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). Either way, it is better to regularly monitor the temperature of the GPU. But before that, you should also understand how hot my GPU should be?

Because if you know the ideal temperature range of the GPU will also allow you to save your expensive graphics card. With that said … … do not move to the main point.

Related: What should be the best temperature range of the CPU?

What is GPU?

The GPU is a graphics processing unit. As a central processing unit (CPU) it is responsible for performing the calculation and giving you results. The GPU is primarily responsible for viewing images of Videos and games.

Today, almost all devices that have a screen have a GPU inside. Computer, mobile devices and game consoles are the prime example of a strong GPU.

That's why these devices are more prone to the high temperature of GPU. To address this problem, the developer has also developed GPU temperature monitor which will be discussed in the back of this publication.

What temperature should the pieces of my PC have during the game?

It is difficult To give a firm answer to the question, what is the normal temperature of the graphics card? Because two leading GPU manufacturers are Nvidia and AMD has released different models so far.

Most of the time, a new model was introduced in the market . The temperature range of GPU also changes. So a good temperature for the value of GPU is somewhat difficult to give.

Anyway, in modern models, the ideal temperature of the GPU while the games vary a lot.

What is the ideal GPU temperature while playing?

As of today, Nvidia and AMD are The 2 big companies that manufacture GPUs. They have given a different value of good GPU temperature ranges. Therefore, before checking the temperature of the GPU, make sure you have searched for the maximum temperatures of the GPU on your official sites.

Related: What are the maximum and normal temperature of the CPU

? A general rule of The thumb is to keep the temperature of your video card below 85 degrees Celsius. Although they are designed to operate at 105 degrees Celsius, but that GPU temperature limit should not be reached at any cost. Because it can decrease the lifetime very quickly.

The average temperature of the GPU for games must remain between 65 degrees Celsius and 75 degrees Celsius. As for the temperature of the Nvidia GPU, they have an average temperature of about 70 to 85 degrees Celsius according to the graphic card test Fullmark. Good temperature for GPU depending on Game resolution

The temperature of the graphics card also varies depending on the resolution of the games.

If you are playing medium resolution games, the temperature of the GPU should not exceed 60-65C. In case of high game resolution, it should not exceed 65-70C.

These are the normal temperature of the GPU if you play during 4-5 hours. But this GPU temperature range decreases more if you live in a cold country. Here it should remain around 53-60 C.

How to verify the temperature of the GPU in Windows?

When you have safe / normal GPU temperatures before you, it is easy to check the temperature of the GPU and then decide if it is normal or average or if it is dangerous.

Unfortunately, Windows 10/7 does not have any built-in GPU monitor. So, what you should do is download the GPU temperature monitor.

Related: How can I check the CPU temperature in Windows 10?

These temperature monitors of the GPU are free software easy to install and its interface is very simple. This GPU heat monitor collects information from sensors placed in GPU. Their temperature readings are shown in Fahrenheit and Celsius which are mostly correct.

There are a lot of better GPU temperature monitors like MSI Afterburner, CPUID GPU-Z, Sepccy, These are reliable GPU monitor for windows 10/7.

GPU temp

But if you have an Nvidia or AMD graphics card N vidia GPU monitor called Nvidia Control Panel is available. And for the AMD temperature monitor called AMD Control Center is there. You can download these temperature monitors from their official site.

How to deal with the temperature of the high GPU?

If the temperature of your GPU remains high, there are some guidelines that can help you lower the temperature of the GPU. [19659002] But before asking how to reduce the temperature of the GPU, it is important to know what causes the high temperature of the graphics card.

Below are some of the most common reasons why the GPU temperature soars:

  • Dust builds up in the GPU over time. It must be cleaned with compressed air.
  • Poor handling of the cables inside the PC case.
  • Less fresh airflow or PC fans.
  • High ambient temperature also known as room temperature.
  • Bad location of the system where it is placed.
  • Old thermal paste although it is not necessary to focus more on this point.

Finally, should know that there is no definitive answer as to "what is the optimum GPU temperature for the games?" . That is why it is always better to keep the temperatures of the GPU low and there are many ways to lower the temperature of the GPU.

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