Periscope broadcasters can now assign their own chat moderators

It will be more difficult for the trolls to interrupt the Periscope transmissions. The live streaming application owned by Twitter has offered chat moderation capabilities for years, but so far has been based on group moderation. That means that when users mark a comment as abuse, spam or harassment, Periscope will randomly select some other viewers to see it and decide if that is true. Violators would be banned if users agreed. That worked well in some cases, but he still put control in the hands of the crowd, not the live transmitter. Now, Periscope is changing that.

Instead of relying solely on group moderation, the company says that stations can assign chat moderators before they start broadcasting.

These moderators can watch the chat during the live broadcast. Actively silence the commentators who interrupt the audience.

After being silenced, the person will not be allowed to chat for the remainder of the broadcast. This muting activity will be visible to anyone who joins the transmission from Periscope or Twitter, but the assignment of chat moderators can only be done from Periscope, says the company.

then view a list of all silenced accounts and you can choose to prevent those users from joining in future transmissions.

The addition, which came along with new repetition editing tools, is another step towards improving the health of conversations in Periscope, the company claims. It follows another change announced last summer, which focused on stricter enforcement of its rules on abuse and harassment.

Previously, trolls whose comments were flagged during a broadcast only temporarily blocked themselves from chatting. They could not comment on that live broadcast, but they could still join others in the future and continue to interrupt, threaten or abuse the video creator or the community.

The change that occurred this summer made it so that people who were repeatedly suspended for violating the guidelines would have to review and suspend their Periscope accounts.

Online harassment is not a new problem, no doubt, but the main social platforms have been struggling to control the problems.

In the case of Twitter, in particular, it has been called to be too tolerant of online harassment and hate speech, under the pretext of protecting freedom of expression. But Twitter has been trying to better handle complaints of abuse, in recent months, including through the acquisition of technology provider against the abuse Smyte, which is helping to automate some of the processes here, as well as with the implementation of more stringent policies and policies. Anti-abuse functions. Periscope has not received as much attention, but focuses on reducing the abuse that occurs during real-time conversations in live broadcasts.

Here is more information on how the new chat moderation function works.

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