Less than half of UK workers use a desktop PC

As more and more workers shift to more mobile devices, desktop PCs are becoming increasingly rare in UK offices.

Only 42% of employees now use desktops in their offices, and laptops are the most preferred device at work, according to Laptops Direct reports.

Increasing efficiency and boosting productivity were among the most important factors in the decision to sell laptops, and 84 percent of notebook workers died on the desktop.

According to a survey of 1,000 adults in the UK, a particular industry has phased out the desktop faster than any other company, with retail (20 percent), hospitality and leisure

third quarter (77 percent) (16%), marketing and creative (12% "

") We not only expect workers to continue to work, but more and more of today's Z and millennia "Career ladders look for flexibility in their working times and patterns," says Mark Kelly, marketing manager at LaptopsDirect.co.uk.

When you upgrade to a laptop or advanced device with the result of increased productivity and more motivation to do your work, It's a way to make it easier for you to figure out what you need to do. Your desktop PC feels like it's the day. "

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