Command & Conquer remasters could be tank-rushing their way onto the PC

If you're a fan of EA's Command & Conquer series, you'll be delighted to be remastering a classic real-time strategy game for your PC.

EA's producer, Jim Vessella, heard about Reddit and explained that Remaster (which may actually be more than one) could attend the first Command & Conquer 25th Anniversary. (It happens in 2020. 1995).

Vessella wrote the following: "We have been exploring some exciting ideas related to remastering classic PC games and are making their first efforts to celebrate our 25th anniversary."

"We are currently thinking about our PC In the coming weeks we will talk to your fans in a variety of ways, while you share your thoughts here in the sub-reddit. "

There is an invitation to participate in deciding exactly how C & C will return to the PC.


Vessella also noted at least partly in response to EA's recent revival of the franchise as a mobile game. Command & Conquer: Rivals do not fit well with a large number of hardcore fans and do not get the proper RTS on the PC.

This seems to be the way EA is done in the right way. And we certainly will not claim to reboot the C & C game in any form.

Along with Doom, Command & Conquer was one of the first games to play four-player multiplayer over the LAN. In the mid-1990s, I looked back when Internet games were not an option. In fact, the web itself was still in its infancy). For this reason we have a good place in our minds and undoubtedly we are not alone.

One of my first comments about Reddit is "No micro transactions … everything is what I want". And people will be delighted to hear the words of Via Ubergizmo

that Vessella "will not add a microtrade to C & C Remaster."

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