Nintendo Switch 2: Could a new Nintendo Switch be arriving in 2019?

The Nintendo Switch 2 could be on its way in 2019, according to a leaked report by The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).

The report states that Nintendo expects to increase sales of the hybrid console, which have been reduced. off significantly since its highly successful launch.

READ BELOW: Review of Nintendo Switch

Unfortunately, this does not ensure that the new product is the Nintendo Switch 2. We would be more inclined to wait for a hardware and software update, and a redesign , of the existing Switch model. Think of it as Microsoft upgrading Xbox One to Xbox One S or Xbox One X.

This is good news, because when it was released last year, the Nintendo Switch was one of the most exciting consoles we had seen. Seen for a long time. We qualify it as "an essential purchase for anyone who claims to enjoy the games" that they can only suffer from the lack of solid releases.

A year later, it has proven to be the test of time. So, how could Nintendo improve on a console that seems to be the finished item?

Well, it seems that Nintendo itself is not sure what the 2019 renewal will be like. The WSJ report mentioned above states that the legendary Japanese gaming company "is still debating what new hardware and software features will be included in the update" .

(Above: The original Nintendo switch)

There could be an improvement in the LCD Display switches, according to "people with knowledge of the discussions". The current switch uses a low-end liquid crystal display; Technology that lags behind that found in most modern smartphones. A new screen "would make the switch brighter, thinner and more efficient in the use of energy," and it would certainly be a welcome addition.

Regarding software updates, however, we are quite dark. We can be pretty sure that the updated switch will share many features with the previous version and will be compatible with existing games. Two years would be a remarkably short period of time for a full review to take place.

The WSJ report states that Nintendo is looking to launch the new Switch in the second half of 2019, perhaps as early as the summer. The company from Kyoto, Japan, intends to change 20 million units in the year ending March 2019, and sees the updated console as a way to increase sales in the period immediately after.

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Normally, the biggest manufacturers release a new console every five or six years, so we would expect to have to wait until 2022/23 for see a Nintendo Switch 2. Adequate.

Stay tuned for this Page of the latest updates as we receive them.

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