Gwyneth Paltrow And Brad Falchuk Tie The Knot

Everything about the life of Gwyneth Paltrow seems perfect, and so was her wedding with the famous producer Brad Falchuk.

The A- A couple on the list got married in a ceremony this weekend, which was attended by a group of famous friends. Around 75 guests were present when the newlyweds walked down the hall. Robert Downey Jr., Cameron Diaz, Jerry Seinfeld and Gwyneth's godfather, Steven Spielberg, were there to make this incredible moment even more special.

Sources close to the couple say they exchanged vows in a tent lit by lanterns, before moving the party to their backyard. They took two wooden tables for the occasion and were decorated with candles, glass wine glasses and floral arrangements.

Gwyneth Paltrow and Brad Falchuk met on the set of Glee in 2014, shortly after her "conscious decoupling" from Chris Martin. There have been many speculations around their relationship, and the couple did official things after the actress requested a divorce from the singer of Coldplay. Falchuk asked the question early in 2018, after four years of courtship, and Paltrow immediately said "Yes!"

"We feel incredibly fortunate to have met at this time in our lives when our collective successes and failures can serve as building blocks for a healthy and happy relationship," the couple said in a joint statement after committing.

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