The regional gap in AI adoption

To better understand how artificial intelligence (AI) is being adopted differently in countries around the world, I spoke with Frank Palermo, vice president of Global Digital Solutions, Virtusa.

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1. Are there a lot of different gaps between different global approaches to robots, AI and autonomous vehicles, and indeed policies on these technologies?

Just as AI has become more prevalent in our society, ethical and governance issues are critical, and policy makers have a collective responsibility for enterprising thinking when deciding on the best way. It is absolutely necessary to manage AI so that technology can reach its full potential while ensuring that technology does not have a negative impact on humans and society.

Historically, the United States has made technology companies almost unimpeded by government oversight (Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet's Google) as a perfect example of this case. Despite the fact that the Chinese government has taken almost the opposite approach, the Chinese government still plays a direct role in referring to artificial intelligence in the 'direct vision' A similar ecosystem of the giant, the BAT company (Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent). Like FAANG in the US, BAT in China established an AI-only lab, and in particular, Baidu invested 15% of its R & D sales in AI-related research and development.

As interest in the artificial intelligence industry grows in Europe, there is currently no comprehensive legislative approach to AI in the region. In the Middle East, the attitude toward AI is quite progressive. Saudi Arabia, for example, has earned an international title for Sophia (artificial intelligence robot) citizenship, and the UAE Prime Minister and the ruler of Dubai have launched the UAE Artificial Intelligence Strategy 2031. 100% reliance on AI in government services and data analysis by 2031 to enhance education, transportation, energy and space sectors.

2. Can you comment on the investment climate in these different regions?

As global business value derived from AI is expected to total $ 1.2 trillion by 2018, global investment in technology is expected to continue to increase.

China is actively investing in artificial intelligence. A state-of-the-art start-up company benefits from government support as the state agency appoints capital to the company. One such beneficiary, facial recognition startup Megvii, has invested $ 460 million in venture capital funds sponsored by the Chinese government.

3. What are your opinions on mature and emerging technologies in AI?

Rapid advances in the AI ​​arena due to the availability of out-of-the-box data, data storage, and computing capabilities through cloud and API services. This technology started with a simple back office automation that revolutionized the way business interacts with customers.

Voice assisted digital assistive devices are a good example of being quickly a key factor in the consumer and home market. By developing more human traits in the future and better understanding the context and meaning, many companies are expected to adopt virtual assistants to support people using technology at work.

The robot world is also changing. Mobile, collaborative and human-friendly robots. These maturity improvements have led to the rapid expansion of robots beyond the manufacturing industry, including healthcare, service and transportation. Robotics initially focused on improving efficiency and productivity, but it is now beginning to address other global issues such as lack of skills, workplace safety and catching up to accelerated business pace.

4. What causes uncertainty within AI? Perhaps, what is controversial?

Much of the AI ​​is uncertain and controversial. Some may be fatal.

For example, if an AI accidentally kills a human, who is in charge? Last year, Tesla reported the first death of the autopilot while the sensor could not detect the white side of the tractor trailer against a brightly lit sky. Controversial controversy immediately affected whether Tesla was responsible for this. Likewise there is a concern about how we can control AI weapons. The United Nations recently discussed the possibility of using autonomous weapons and establishing an international ban on "murder robots".

There are many questions about how to prevent AI from escaping cyber attacks. Last year, two data scientists at security company ZeroFOX experimented with a better person or artificial intelligence for Twitter users to click on malicious links. Researchers have taught AI to study the behavior of social network users and then design and implement their own phishing bait. In testing, the human hacker was far better than the human competitor who constructed and distributed more phishing tweets than humans, and the conversion rate improved significantly.

Artificial intelligence and this use of many people should be carefully considered and regulated so that human beings and society are not harmed. To achieve this, organizations must gather to discuss appropriate governance and ethical mechanisms that must be implemented to minimize the risk of AI, and must leverage the full potential of this technology.

5. Finally, what is the ultimate effect of artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence technologies such as robotics and machine learning have already improved productivity and have improved the economies of many nations and will continue to do so. Implicit predictions of robot overturns are hyperbolic, and we should keep in mind that artificial intelligence will create jobs and roles that we have not yet fully envisioned, but future developments in some advanced jobs will certainly have a greater impact. Ultimately, artificial intelligence is not a substitute for artificial intelligence, but it is about improving human ability and intelligence.

Artificial intelligence will be the battlefield of the future with the successful deployment of technology affecting the way the country compete, and the world economy and international relations. Countries that master AI for the first time have significant strategic advantages in creating rules for the next global order. 19659005]

    Frank Palermo is Executive Vice President, Global Digital Solutions, Virtusa

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