HoloLens 2.0 could be delayed by Windows Core OS

Microsoft's HoloLens 2.0, an update to the original HoloLens augmented reality headset, may be delayed due to a delay in the development of Microsoft's next generation operating system, the Windows Core OS.

The Surface Hub 2, Microsoft 's Smart Whiteboard delayed development of Windows Core OS by 2020 because it was later than expected.

According to Zac Bowden of Windows Central, HoloLens 2.0 runs Windows Core OS and "Windows Core OS for HoloLens 2"

Long wait

Originally HoloLens was released a long time ago, Cheap) version has passed its deadline, but now,

The Windows Core OS is a version of Windows 10 designed to run on a variety of devices, and it has modular characteristics that can be provided with features related to the running device. [19659002] It is an idea to create a much lighter and faster Windows operating system, and OS is expected to appear on Andromeda smartphones with Microsoft's long-standing rumors.

However, Microsoft seems to be looking for a process to develop an ambitious modular operating system. The system is so difficult to knock out some of the company's most exciting and innovative products. We hope that the development of Windows Core OS will accelerate soon.

Through MSPowerUser

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