Tinder’s ‘Swipe the Vote’ campaign aims to educate young voters and get them to polls

Tinder has partnered with the nonprofit Rock the Vote for the second time, hoping to get young people to the polls through in-app messages. The company claims to have a base of young adult users, where more than half belong to the 18-24 age group and believe it is well positioned to mobilize younger voters during the mid-term elections of 2018.

It is critical to get these voters to the polls, as only 46.1 percent of young people aged 18 to 29 voted during the 2016 elections, according to the US Census Bureau. UU., The company points.

Tinder says he will start sharing "fun facts" with his users during election season directly in the application, such as voter registration volumes and other anecdotes related to past and future elections. These facts will have a particular focus on those that are of most interest to younger users of Tinder.

For example, some that will be shared include: "Did you know that only about 40% of eligible voters show up for the midterm elections?", and . millennials make up 25% of the population, represent less than 5% of state legislatures, " plus, " The average American is twenty years younger than his representative in Congress. " [19659002] The facts will appear in the application as many times as two or three times a week in the US. UU as a native "Swipe the Vote" business card.

the cards will also include a way to touch to navigate the application to the Rock the Vote website, where users can enter their zip code and details to register to vote.

In addition, the two organizations also produced a Schoolhouse Rock! Inspired video encouraging young Americans to vote for me. (Although the reference Schoolhouse Rock can fly over 18 years old)

Tinder is not the only major platform participating in the Day National Register of Voters today (September 25).

Others, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, Snapchat, Lyft, HBO and many more have also launched their own campaigns in an effort to mobilize and register voters.

But because of Tinder's access to a very young group of potential voters, it's one of the most interesting efforts to watch, along with Snapchat.

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