Daily Burn plans a new line of fitness apps, starting with HIIT Workouts

Daily Burn, the online fitness brand owned by IAC, launched a new iPhone application today dedicated to the popular training style known as HIIT (high intensity interval training).

Daily Burn already offers a general training application, but the company says it is planning a whole series of vertical training applications, starting with HIIT Workouts. They are "providing personalized training to each member adapted to their interests"

. If you're wondering exactly what HIIT is, the individual exercises may be familiar, but as a Daily Burn article puts it, it all comes together in "rapid and intense bursts of exercise, followed by short, sometimes active recovery periods."

There is no shortage of HIIT training applications or HIIT training in broader exercise applications (for example, I have tried several with my Coach Fitbit subscription). But Daily Burn points to the combination of guided video workouts (making it less likely to spoil things) with a specific focus on HIIT. In addition, the workouts are adapted to your goals and resistance levels.

"We spent months researching how people interact with their phones, and combined it with the world-class fitness and transmission experience of Daily Burn to create the best HIIT app of its kind, it's effective and fun," said the director. Daily Burn executive, Tricia Han in the announcement. "With personalized trainings led by expert trainers and optimized for mobile devices, members have access to the best instructors, progress reports and a support community in the palm of their hand."

Daily Burn HIIT Workouts offers a free seven-day trial version; then it costs $ 9.99 per month.

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