HQ Trivia names new CEO and teases upcoming Wheel of Fortune-style game

HQ Trivia is preparing to debut a continuation of its very popular live mobile gaming program.

Called HQ Words, the company announced this morning that it will launch the Wheel of Fortune game in October. In addition to the new game, the company is shaking up its management team. Co-founder Colin Kroll, formerly CTO of the company, will assume the position of CEO. He is replacing Rus Yusupov, who will now serve as creative head of the headquarters. According to Digiday, who first reported the news, Kroll will take over the business while Yusupov "conceives and designs the new shows".

HQ Trivia, which airs twice a day and rewards winners up to $ 100,000 for successfully answering 12 questions, debuted at the app store last August and was a viral hit. The game, usually organized by comedian Scott Rogowsky (pictured above), spawned a complete cohort of imitators as a result

. However, his app store ranking has been steadily declining in recent months, as Josh Constine points out. of TechCrunch in a recent article about the launch of the Apple TV application of HQ Trivia. In an answer to that article, Yusupov hinted at new games in development: "Games are a success and do not grow exponentially forever." HQ has a massive early traction and still millions playing daily, as well as developing new game formats, one which we think is really special and complements Trivia very well, sooner, until then, thanks for playing. "

As of January, HQ Trivia was attracting more than 1 million players to its live broadcasts. According to Sensor Tower, your application has been downloaded almost 13 million times.

The company, founded by the entrepreneurs behind Vine, has raised about $ 24 million to date, earning a $ 100 million valuation earlier this year. It is supported by Founders Fund, Shrug Capital and Lightspeed Ventures.

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