Classic Final Fantasy games are coming to Nintendo Switch and Xbox One

Are you planning to spend the rest of your life playing Japanese role-playing games? Then you'll want to make sure you're armed with a Nintendo or Xbox One switch: you're getting some of the best ports of all time, in the form of a load of classic Final Fantasy titles.

Announced in the latest showcase of Nintendo Direct (and followed by a statement that reveals that the Microsoft console would also be involved in the action), several titles of console generations are making the jump as ports.

Then, deep breathing: Nintendo switch the owners can wait, Final Fantasy VII, IX, X, X-2 and XII, Final Fantasy Chocobo's Dungeon and World of Final Fantasy (renamed World of Final Fantasy Maxima , which is also coming to the Xbox One, PS4 and PERSONAL COMPUTER). That in addition to the previously announced Final Fantasy XV Pocket Edition and Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles HD remaster.

In addition to World of Final Fantasy Maxima, the Xbox One is getting Final Fantasy VII, IX, X, X -2 and XII.

Finally fantastic for Nintendo

Final Fantasy XII will be delivered in its recent remastered Zodiac Age version, and the first PlayStation One titles are also expected to be based on their latest PC HD forms.

The game ads will be a particularly poignant announcement for the fans of the series & apos; The golden age of 16 bits, in the 1990s.

That's when Final Fantasy games were almost exclusively available on Nintendo hardware, before Square brought the franchise to the PlayStation family of consoles. In many cases, this is the first time that these games have been available on Nintendo hardware.

But where is Final Fantasy VIII? Now he is becoming the black sheep of the Final Fantasy family, since it was not remastered for mobile hardware as his brothers of the late 90s have been.

As for the previous 16-bit titles, which are not available on any of the three large consoles, do not be surprised to see them land as the retro titles offered as part of the Nintendo Switch online service. [19659011] The best role-playing games: what to play while waiting for Final Fantasy

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