Governments make slow progress with digital transformation initiatives

Despite the fact that digital business initiatives are high on the government agenda, according to a new Gartner survey, the government's ability to expand this plan is slowing down and its progress is lagging behind other industries.

According to Gartner, 372 digital decision makers in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, India, and Singapore are using six industries (financial services, government, manufacturing, retail, Respondents in the survey are expecting digital governments to support their transformation and optimization goals. However, the other half focuses on a single goal with 33% priority optimization and 17% focus on conversion.

The Digital Transition Phase

The company turned to Digital Transition

Dean Lacheca, director of research at Gartner, provided a deeper insight into what the government believes is at a certain stage.

"90% of government respondents consider: Only one in nine of the first three steps focused on the development and adoption of new services are identifying digital initiatives at a later stage, Includes expanding the scale of the service and exceeding the value of non-comparable digital initiatives. "

Collaboration with partners, such as employees, citizens, consumers, start-ups, digital conglomerates, and service providers, has also played an important role in extending the benefits of digital governance.

According to Gartner research, government respondents have already said that more than half of the diverse business ecosystems use third-party developers to provide value to citizens.

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